Category Archives: Polabians

Willibald’s Life Of Saint Boniface

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And speaking of Würzburg.

We have previously discussed Boniface’s comments on Slav matters here, here and here.  Boniface died in 754 but Slavs managed to follow him and make it (once) into the “Life of Boniface” when that work was penned by Willibald about the year 768:

“…Burghardo verotionis parrochiam commendavit in loco qui vocatur Wirzaburg dignitatis officium delegavit, et ecclesias in confiniis Francorum et Saxonum atque Sclavorum suo officio deputavit…”

According to the translator of that work, this WIllibald was not the Willibald of Eichstätt whose own “Life” we already discussed here.  Rather, the author of Saint Boniface’s “Life” (incidentally, the first of such works regarding Boniface) was “a simple priest who had never come into direct contact with Boniface and what he says is based upon the facts that he was able to collect from those who had been Boniface’s disciples.”

Here is that Slavic mention (from Talbot, C. H., trans., The Anglo-Saxon missionaries in Germany; being the lives of SS. Willibrord, Boniface, Sturm, Leoba, and Libuin, together with the Hodoeporicon of St. Willibald and a selection from the correspondence of St. Boniface)

Chapter 8

How throughout his whole life he preached with zeal and how he departed from this world

“During the rule of Carloman all the bishops, priests, deacons, and clerics and everyone of ecclesiastical rank gathered together at the ruler’s instance and held four synodal councils. At these Archbishop Boniface presided, with the consent and support of Carloman and of the metropolitan of the see and city of Mainz. And being a legate of the Roman Church and the Apostolic See, sent as he was by the saintly and venerable Gregory II and later by Gregory III, he urged that the numerous canons and ordinances decreed by these four important and early councils should be preserved in order to ensure the healthy development of Christian doctrine. For as at the Council of Nicaea, held under Constantine Augustus, the errors and blasphemies of Arius were rejected; as under Theodosius the Elder an assembly of one hundred and fifty bishops condemned Macedonius, who denied the divinity of the Holy Spirit; as in the city of Ephesus under Theodosius [II] two hundred bishops excommunicated Nestorius for declaring that there are two Persons in Christ; and as at the Council of Chalcedon an assembly of six hundred and thirty bishops, basing their decision on an earlier one of the fathers, pronounced an anathema against Eutyches, an abbot of Constantinople, and Dioscorus, who defended him, for attacking the foundations of the Catholic faith – So in the Frankish territories, after the eradication of heresy and the destruction of wicked conspirators, he urged that later developments of Christian doctrine and the decrees of the general councils should be received. With this in view there should be a meeting of the bishops in synod each year in accordance with the decree of the aforesaid council of bishops. This holding of synods had fallen into desuetude through the constant fear of war and the hostility and attacks of the surrounding barbarian tribes and through the attempts of hostile enemies to destroy the Frankish realm by violence. They had been forgotten so completely that no one could recall such an assembly’s having taken place within living memory. For it is in the nature of the world to fall into ruin even though it is daily restored, while if no attempt is made to reform it it quickly disintegrates and rushes headlong to its predestined doom. Therefore if in the course of this mortal life means have been discovered to remedy such evils they should be preserved and strongly defended by Catholics and fixed indelibly in the mind. Otherwise human forgetfulness and the enticement of pleasure, both of them instigated by the devil, will prove a stumbling block. For this reason the holy bishop, in his anxiety to deliver his people from the baleful influence of the devil, repeatedly urged Carloman to summon the episcopal synods already mentioned in order that both present and later generations should learn spiritual wisdom and should make the knowledge of Christianity available to all. Only in this way could unsuspecting souls escape being ensnared.”

“After he had set before all ranks of society the accepted norm of the Christian life and made known to them the way of truth, Boniface, now weak and decrepit, showed great foresight both as regards himself and his people by appointing a successor to his see, as ecclesiastical law demands. So, whether he lived or whether he died, the people would not be left without pastors and their ministration. He promoted two men of good repute to the episcopate, Willibald and Burchard, dividing between them the churches that were under his jurisdiction in the land of eastern Franks and on the Bavarian marches. To Willibald he entrusted the diocese of Eichstätt, to Burchard that of Würzburg, putting under his care all the churches within the borders of the Franks, Saxons, and Slavs. Nevertheless, even to the day of his death he did not fail to instruct the people in the way of life.”

“Then Pepin, with the help of the Lord, took over the rule of the kingdom of the Franks as the happy successor to his above-mentioned brother [i.e. Carloman]. When disorders among the people had subsided, he was elevated to the kingship. From the outset he conscientiously carried out the vows he had sworn to the Lord, to put into effect without delay the synodal decrees, and he renewed the canonical institutions which his brother, following the advice of the holy archbishop Boniface, had so dutifully set on foot. He showed the saint every mark of veneration and friendship and obeyed his spiritual precepts. But because the holy man, owing to his physical infirmities, was not able to attend the synodal assemblies, he decided, with the king’s approval and advice, to appoint a suitable person to minister to his flock. To his purpose he appointed Lull, a disciple of outstanding ability, whose duty it would be to continue his instruction to the people. He consecrated him bishop, and committed to his care the inheritance that he had won for Christ by his zealous efforts. Lull was the man who had been his trusted companion on his journeys and who had been closely connected with him both in his sufferings and his consolations…”

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May 6, 2017

Würzburg’s Roots

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The city of Würzburg is perhaps first listed in the Ravenna Cosmography under the name Uburzis.

A bit later (?) (704) the city is mentioned as castellum Virteburch.

Incidentally Solist (which some connect to Hohenzollern) looks much like Soest of which Quazwini says later:

“Schuschit [Soest] is a town in the land of the Slavs.  There lies a salty spring, while there otherwise is no salt in that area.  When the people need salt, they take water from this source, fill with it a pot and set it on a stone oven and make a great fire underneath so that it becomes thick and turbid.  Then it sits until it becomes cold and turns into hard, white salt.  In this way is salt made in all the lands of the Slavs.”

So what is Uburzis?  Oddly, the Polish house spirits Uboże come to mind…

Apparently, when the bishopric at Würzburg was founded (which happened a few decades later in 741) it was permitted to collect taxes from the Franks and the Slavs.  This grant was later reconfirmed in Arnulf of Carinthia’s 889 confirmation of Würzburg’s rights), it was mentioned that it should collect taxes (steora vel osterstuopha) from the Slavs:

decimam tributi, quae de partibus orientalium Franchorum vel de Sclavis ad fiscum dominicum annuatim persolvere solebant, quae secundum illorum linguam steora vel ostarstuopha vocatur, ut de illo tributo sive reditu annis singulis pars decima ad preductum locum persolvatur, sive in melle sive in paltenis seu in alia qualibet redibutione, quae, ut diximus, prius e pagis orientalium Franchorum persolvebatur.  Id est de pago uualdsazzi. et de pago thubargouue. et vuingartuueiba. et iagasgeuui. mulahgeui. necchargeuui. et chochangeuui et rangeuui et gollahgeuui. et iphgevui. hasagevui. et grapfeld. et dullifeld. salageuvi. uueringeuui. gozfeld. et badanahgeuui. et decimam de fiscis dominicis. Id est de ingulunheim. reotfeld in rangevue. roudeshof in folhfeldon. ad chruzinaha et neristein. et omuntesstat. et albsteti. et chuningeshofa et sundrunhofa. et gollahofa. et berenheim. et ikilenheim, et uuielantesheim. et roumfeld. Gouvmheim in gozfeldon. et drozoltesheimhalazesstat in ratenzgovue, chungeshofe. et item chuningeshofe. et salz. et hamulunburcg. et iphahofa et thetilabach. et in blaihfeld. et heiligbrunno. et louisin.  In his fiscis et uillis dominicis. seu in predictis pagis….

Pippin is presumably Pepin the Short who would have been around in 741.  What secundum illorum lingua means we will let you guess. Maybe, it means German – as opposed to Latin – but the Latin language would not have been the language of the illorum

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May 3, 2017

The Slavs of Wipo’s Deeds of Conrad II

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We present here the full Slavic contingent from Wipo’s The Deeds of Conrad II (Gesta Chuonradi II imperatoris).  We previously featured one little component of that work but here is the full account in Karl Morrison’s translation.

Wipo of Burgundy (also Wippo circa 995 – circa 1048) was Conrad’s chaplain and served also his son Henry III so he was intimately familiar with the goings on at court.  Although he is obviously biased towards his masters, his sycophancy does not prevent him from delivering a number of interesting facts.

I. On the Assembly of Princes

“In the year 1024 from the incarnation of the Lord, the Emperor Henry II, although of sound mind, was taken with an infirmity of the body, which prevailing, he departed this life the 3rd of the Ides July [July 13]… [lists the various eminent members of the Empire]  These were the dukes, on the other hand, contemporaries of the wove-mentioned men: … Udalric, duke of Bohemia…”

II. On the Election of the King

“…While all the magnates, and, so to say, the valor and the vitals of the kingdom, had convened there, they pitched camps on this side and in the region about the Rhine.  As it [the Rhine] separated Gaul from Germany the Saxons, with their neighbors, the Slavs, the eastern Franks, the Bavarians, and the Alamanni, convened from the German side; and from Gaul, the Franks who live above the Rhine, the Ribuarians, and the Lotharingians were joined together.

IX. Of Boleslaus, Duke of the Slavs

In the same year [1025] which I have mentioned above, Boleslaus Sclavigen [of the Slavic nation], duke of the Poles, took for himself in injury to King Conrad the regal insignia and the royal name.  Death swiftly killed his temerity.”

“But his son Misico, similarly rebellious, cast his own brother Otto out into the province of Russia because he favored the partisans of the King [Conrad].  I shall tell in its proper place how King Conrad afterwards curbed the impudence of this Misico and the perfidy of a certain Udalric, duke of Bohemia.”

XXI.  That the King of Burgundy Came to meet the Emperor at Basel

“…Shortly after, Adalbero, duke of the [H]istrians or Carinthians, convicted of less majesty, was exiled  with his sons by the Emperor, and that Cuono just mentioned received from the Emperor his dukedom, which the father of this very Cuono is said to have had once.  So Duke Cuono, as long as he lived, remained faithful and one who strove well for the Emperor and also for his son, King Henry.”

XXIX.  Rudolf, King of Burgundy, Died, and Odo Invaded His Realm

“In the year of the Lord 1032, Rudolf, king of Burgundy, the uncle of the Empress Gisela, died in peace.  Count Odo Francigen, son of his sister, invaded his realm, and took certain very well-armed castles or cities by craft or battle.  Neither did he dare to make himself king nor, indeed, did he wish to lose the kingdom.  Some persons related that he had often said that he never wished to be king, yet always to be the master [magister] of a king.  In this fashion he drew away [for himself] a great part of Burgundy, although King Rudolf had already confirmed, not long ago, through a solemn oath that the kingdom of Burgundy should go to Emperor Conrad and his son, King Henry, after his death.  But while Count Odo did these things in Burgundy, Emperor Conrad was in Sclavonia with his troops.*  What he did there and how he afterwards repelled Odo from Burgundy, I shall tell in the following [passages].”

* note: In his expedition against Misico (Mesko), which was begun in 1031 and concluded with a treaty at Merseburg in 1032. [notes are Morrison’s]

“When the aforementioned Boleslaus, duke of the Poles, died, he left two sons, Misico and Otto.  Misico persecuted his brother Otto and expelled him into Russia.  While Otto lived there for some time in a miserable condition, he began to ask the favor of Emperor Conrad, in order that through his intercession and assistance he might be restored to his fatherland.  Since the Emperor was willing to do this, he decided that he himself would attack Misico with troops on one side and Otto on the other.  Since Misico was unable to withstand this attack, he fled into Bohemia to Duke Udalric, against whom at that title the Emperor was enraged.  But Udalric was willing, in order to please the Emperor, to give Misico up to him.  Caesar renounced this dishonorable pact, saying that he did not wish to buy an emery from an enemy.  Otto was restored to his fatherland and made duke by Caesar; but since, after some time, he acted wit too little caution, he was slain secretly by one of his household.**  Then Misico sought in every way the favor of the Empress Gisela, and of the othe princes, that he might be found worthy to return to the favor of the Emperor.  Caesar, moved by compassion, granted him pardon; and after the province of the Poles had been divided into three parts, he made Misico tetrarch and commended the remaining two parts to two other men.  So, with his power diminished, his temerity was reduced.  After the death of Misico,*** Casimir, his son, has served our emperors faithfully until this very time.****”

** note: 1032
*** note: 1034
**** note: From 1042 his relations with Henry II worsened, and in 1050 Henry readied an expedition against him.  The expedition was canceled however by Casimir’s voluntary submission.

XXXIII.  That King Henry Subjected the Slavs

“In the meantime, while the Emperor was doing those things in Burgundy which have been recounted above, his son, King Henry, although still in the years of boyhood, attended no less energetically the affairs of the commonwealth in Bohemia and in the other regions of the Slavs, where he vigorously subjugated Udalric, duke of Bohemia, as well as many other opponents of Caesar.  When his father returned, he met him, and thus he gave to the peoples double joy because of the double victory.”

“Then, when troops had been collected from Saxony, the Emperor came upon those who are called Liutizi and who, once semi-Christian, now are wholly pagan through the wickedness of apostasy; and there he brought to an end an implacable conflict in an astounding fashion.  For there were at that time many quarrels and border raids between the Saxons and the pagans.  And when Caesar came, he began to to inure by which side the peace, which had lon bgeen inviolate between them, had been destroyed first.  The pagans said that t peace was disturbed first by the Saxons and that this would be proven through a duel, if Caesar so commanded.  The Saxons, on the other hand, although they contended unjustly, similarly pledged before the Emperor their willingness to engage in single combat to refute the pagans.  The Emperor, even though he took the counsel of his princes, did not act cautiously enough and permitted this matter to be adjudged by a duel between them.  At once two fighters met, each elected by his own men.  The Christian began to fight boldly, confiding in that faith alone which, however, is dead without works of righteousness, and not diligently heeding the fact that God, who is Truth, disposes everything in true judgment, He who makes His sun to rise over good and evil, who causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.  The pagan, however, put up a staunch resistance, having before his eyes only the consciousness of the truth for which he fought.  Finally, the Christian fell, wounded by the pagan.  Because of this outcome, the pagans became so greatly elated and bold that, if the Emperor had not been present, they would have thrown themselves upon the Christians straightaway.  But, in order to curb their incursions, the Emperor constructed the castle of Werben in which he stationed garrisons of knight,s and he constrained the princes of Saxony by solemn oath and imperial order to resist the pagans of one accord.  Then he returned to Franconia.”

“But in the following year, the same castle was taken by the pagans through craft, and many of our men who were in it were killed by them.  Disturbed by this, the Emperor again came with troops to the Elbe River.  But since the pagans prevented the crossing, the Emperor sent part of the army across under cover through another ford of the river.  When the enemies had been set to flight in that way, Emperor Conrad entered the region by the now-free bank of the river and laid them so low with immense devastations and burnings everywhere except in impregnable places that afterwards they paid to him the tax which had been imposed by emperors of old and which was now increased.”

“For both before and at that time, Emperor Conrad toiled greatly amidst the nation of the Slavs. Because of this, one of us composed a short account in verse which afterwards he presented tot he Emperor.  There one may read how the Emperor sometimes stood in h marshes up to the thighs, fighting in person and exhorting the soldiers to fight; and how, after the pagans had been conquered, he slew them with the greater ferocity because of a certain reprehensible superstition of their.  For it is said that at some time the pagans kept a wooden effigy of our crucified Lord Jesus Christ in shameful mockery and spat upon it and struck it with blows; finally they tore out the eyes and cut off the hands and feet.  To avenge these deeds, the Emperor in a similar manner mutilated a great multitude of captured pagans for one effigy of Christ and destroyed them with various deaths.  Therefore Caesar is called an avenger of the Faith in these verses and is compared with the Roman princes Titus and Vespasian, who in avenging the Lord had exchanged thirty Jews for one coin since the Jews sold Christ for that many denarii.”

“After his return the Emperor imperiously cast aside whatever resistance he found in the kingdom.  In the same year, Adalbero, duke of the Carinthians lost the favor of the Emperor and was deprived dog his dukedom and sent into exile.”

40. Verses on the Death of the Emperor Conrad

[after telling how Conrad subdued the Saxons, Alemanni, Bavarians, Rome, Ravenna and Verona  (Pavia?) he comes to the Slavs]

“…The Emperor never tarried, everywhere the giver of peace.
He carried war to the pagans lest they harm Christians:
The marsh did not defend them, nor was there safety in the waters;
Well he made the barbarian Slavs and all peoples depraved feel his force.
O King God, guard the living and have mercy upon the dead.”

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March 31, 2017

Thietmar (Book V)

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We presented the Slavs and Slavic place names in the first four books of Thietmar’s Chronicle here.  We now continue with Book V (translation is David Warner’s).

Chapter 7 [year 1002]

“…The course of Ekkehard’s life loas so worthy that his lord allowed him to hold the greater part of his benefice as personal property.  He forced the free-born Milzeni under the yoke of servitude.  With flattery and threats, he won Duke Boleslav [III] of Bohemia, called the ‘Red”, for  his military service and turned the other Boleslav [Chrobry of Poland] into a personal ally.  He acquired the office of duke over all of Thuringia by the election of the whole populace.  With only a few exceptions, he reckoned on the support of the eastern counts and therefore of the duchy.  All of this came to such a miserable end.”

Chapter 9 [1002]

“Meanwhile, Boleslav [Chrobry of Poland] , a son far inferior to his father Miesco, rejoiced over the death of Margrave Ekkehard.  Shortly after this, he assembled an army and seized Margrave Gero’s march as far as the river Elbe.  Then, with siege troops sent ahead, he captured the burg Bautzen [Budisin], with all its possessions,and immediately thereafter attacked Strehla.  Secretly, he also tried to bribe the residents of Meissen who were always happy for something new.  One day, when they realized that most of the garrison had left to find fodder for the horses, Duke Gunzelin of Kuchenburg led them in an assault on the east door, in that part of the city inhabited by ministeriales known in Slavic as Withasen [witeź].”

“After killing Bezeko, one of Count Herman’s ministeriales, they took up arms and met at the count’s chamber where they threw large rocks at the window and loudly demanded that Ozer, the lord of the city, be handed over to them for execution.  But the miles Thietmar, having no other protection that the room itself, asked them: ‘Why are you doing this?  What madness so seduced you that, forgetful of the benefits bestowed by Margrave Ekkehard and your willing invitation, you rise up to destroy his son?  If you wish to reveal the reason for such an outrage, either publicly or secretly to one of us, on behalf of my lords and all of us, I firmly promise you an agreeable settlement of the offence and security regarding your future concerns.  As for the man you seek to have handed over, namely so that he can be killed, you will not received him as long as we are living.  We are few and you should know for certain that we will either die together or leave this city unharmed.’  After they had heard this and consulted among themselves, the attackers granted the garrison freedom to leave.  Then, they sent messengers to summon Duke Boleslav and received him with open doors.  Hence, the words of the scriptures were fulfilled: ‘They may rejoice when they act wickedly, and exult in evil things and again.  Their beginnings are as honey and their end as absinthe.'”

Chapter 10 [1002]

“Elated by this success, Boleslav occupied the entire region up to the Elster and secured it with a garrison.  Then, when our people gathered together to resist him, that deceitful man sent a messenger who announced to them that these things had been done with the favour and permission of Duke Henry.  He added that Boleslav would in no way injure the inhabitants and, if Henry came to power in the realm, he would assen  to his will in all things, but if otherwise, he would willingly do whatever pleased them,.  Considering this, our people believed the beautiful words and shamefully advanced to him as if to their lord, thereby exchanging their inborn honour for supplication and unjust servitude.  Hoe unequally are our ancestors and our contemporaries compared!  In the days of the illustrious Hodo, this man’s father Miesco, would not have dared to wear furs when entering a house in which he knew him to be or to sit while he was standing.  May God forgive the emperor for making a lord out of a tributary and raising him to the point that, forgetful of his father’s customs, he might dare to gradually drag his superiors into subjection and seize those caught with the shameful hook of temporal wealth to the detriment of both slaves and free.”

Chapter 11 [1002]

“Also the other Boleslav [III], the Bohemian ruler nicknamed ‘the Red’ and generally a source of the worst impiety, departed from his usual custom and supported Duke Henry…”

Chapter 15 [1002]

“From there [Thuringia], Henry went to Merseburg where he was received by Abbot Heimo and by his faithful count Esiko [24 July].  Esiko had manfully held this city along with Allstedt, Dornburg and all their possessions until his lord arrived, though this had greatly angered Ekkehard while he lived.  Here also were Archbishop Liawizo of Bremen and Giselher of Magdeburg with other colleagues: Rethar of Paderborn, Bernward of Hildesheim, Arnulf of Halberstadt, Ramward of Minden, Eid of Meissen, Bernhar of Verden, Hugh [II] of Zeitz.  Also present were dukes Bernhard and Boleslav with the margraves Liuthar and Gero and the count palatine Frederick.  Many others were also there, both bishops and counts, but it would take too long to give their names individually.  All of these received the king with humble devotion.

Chapter 18 [1002]

Except for Liudger, everyone who had served the previous emperor offered his hand to the king and swore to aid him faithfully.  Meanwhile, Boleslav schemed to acquire the burg Meissen at whatever cost.  Because it was not advantageous to the realm, he got nowhere with the king and only barely succeeded in securing it for his brother-in-law Gunzelin.  He himself received the regions of Lausitz and the Milzeni.  Margrave Henry, my cousin, held Boleslav in great esteem and aided him freely and amicably in whatever way he could.  As he prepared to escort Boleslav, departing well rewarded and with the king’s permission, he saw an armed multitude gathering and moving to attack them.  May God be my witness, this was without the involvement or knowledge of the king!  When he wanted to discover the cause of this great tumult, and resolve it so that more damage might not arise, he was barely able to get away and lead his companion out by breaking the exterior door.  Out of his entourage, some warriors were plundered by the surging mob while others though severely wounded escaped death with the help of Duke Bernhard.  Because they had entered the royal court armed and refused to leave when ordered, the penalty they paid was justified by their own offense.  Boleslav saw this as part of an evil plot and, deeply disturbed, blamed the king although unjustly.  After bidding farewell to Henry and firmly promising his aid, should it ever be required, he quickly returned to his own lands.  When he arrived at the city of Strehla, he immediately set fire to it and abducted a large part of the populace. At the same time, he sent back representatives through whom he tried to attract as many of the king’s supporters as possible.  Soon afterwards, when this came to the king’s ears, he asked his dependents to inquire about the secret plots of the Slav and, if possible, to capture his spies.”

Chapter 23 [1002]

Meanwhile, because the power of a consort and successor always inspires fear, the duke of the Bohemians, Boleslav [III], castrated his brother Jaromir and wanted to suffocate the younger brother in his bath.  Then he sent both brothers and their mother into exile.  Then, ruling alone like the noxious basilisk, he oppressed the people unspeakably.  When they could no longer bear the weight of this outrage, they secretly called Wlodowej [Duke of Bohemia 1002 – 1003] from Poland, whose name means power of the army.  He was a poisonous snake who treated his people without any respect for the law.  After Boleslav the basilisk had been deposed, this one was unanimously elected in his place because of his consanguinity and because of the people’s affection.  I can say one thing about him that is incredible and not to be copied by any Christian, namely that he could not endure even one hour without drink.  As this was the only path of escape open to him, Boleslav fled to Margrave Henry, then his neighbor, who seized him as an enemy because of past injuries.  Afterwards, because he had arrived as a guest, he was set free and, being fond of his life, he went to the like-named son of his aunt who was his equal in shamefulness though unequal in ability.  Inclined to better advice, the other one went to the king, then residing oat Regensburg, and recognized him as his lord with humble subjection and the promise of loyalty.  He received what he sought from him as a benefice and, after being treated warmly in all matters, returned in peace.

Chapter 24 [1002]

“…In the expectation of receiving the abundant support promised by the Italians, the king sent Duke Otto of Carinthia and Verona, Otto the son of Count Heribert, Ernst the son of Margrave Leopold, and a few others to resolve the situation [December 1002 to beginning of January 1003].

Chapter 29 [1003]

Meanwhile Duke Wlodowej died and the brothers who had been expelled along with their mother were recalled by the repentant Bohemians.  But Boleslav, the ruler of the Poles, collected an army and expelled them again.  He then restored his exiled namesake to his previous dignity and went home, with his plots deeply concealed.  He knew that his cousin would be too vindictive towards those who had supported his expulsion and hoped that at a more auspicious moment he might himself intervene.  And so it actually happened.  When Boleslav [III] of Bohemia perceived that his people dedicated themselves to paganism in all security, his own impiety was fortified for breaking the peace treaty which he had confirmed by oath.  Thus, when all the great men had been assembled before him in one house, he himself killed his brother in law by striking him in the head with a sword and then, with his evil supporters, this bloody and deceitful man who was unworthy of half the days conceded to him, killed the others although they were unarmed and it was the holy season of Lent.

Chapter 30 [1003]

The rest of the people, in great fear because of this, secretly sent representatives to Boleslav of Poland who revealed the magnitude of the shameful deed and asked him to rescue them from fear of the future.  He heard these things with pleasure and immediately asked the other Boleslav, through a faithful representative, to come to him at a certain citadel for a personal discussion regarding matters of mutual interest.  The younger Boleslav agreed to this, came to the agreed-upon place, and was affectionately received by him.  The following night he was blinded by the other’s henchmen thereby ensuring that hew would never treat his people in that manner again or even be able to rule there.  He was also sent into a long exile.  On the following day, the elder Boleslav travelled quickly to Prague where he was introduced and unanimously acclaimed as lord by the inhabitants who were always happy to have a new ruler.  As his world power increased, his willfulness became much greater than is normal in a restrained mind.  Note this well, dear reader: he who becomes too proud in prosperity will often be brought lower in adversity.  It is affirmed by scripture that a wise man does not do this.”

Chapter 31 [1003]

“The king learned all of these things from hearsay, and accepted them with the due seriousness of a patient mind.  At least, he imputed to his sins whatever misfortune occurred in the kingdom in his time.  Therefore, as seemed most opportune to him, he ignored everything that had happened to the Bohemians, and sent representatives to Boleslav with the following demand: if he wished to retain the land he had recently occupied, by the king’s grace, as the ancient law requires, and serve him in all things faithfully, the king would agree to his requests.  If otherwise, he would oppose him with arms.  Boleslav received this legation unworthily, though it was just and well composed, and therefore deservedly brought revenge on himself in the future.  When the Lenten fast was finished, as I have mentioned, the king followed the custom of his predecessors by celebrating Easter, in an appropriate manner, at Quedlinburg [28 March].  There, as befits such a great feast, he ignored both Boleslav‘s evil presumption and Henry’s ambitions and enjoyed the company of his familiars.  On the same occasion, the king bestowed royal gifts on Dukes Otto and Ernst, recently returned after their disastrous defeat, and consoled them with fatherly encouragement.  He also received representatives of the Redarii and the people known as the Liutizi and, claiming these rebels with the sweetness of gifts and the joy of promises, turned them from enemies into friends.”*

* Warner’s note: this refers to “Henry II’s controversial decision to form an alliance against Boleslav Chrobry with the pagan confederation of the Liutizi.”

Chapter 32 [1003]

“After this, the king celebrated the Rogation days, which should be observed by all the faithful of Christ, at Merseburg [3-5 May].  There he learned of the open rebellion of Duke Boleslav and Margrave Henry.  Then he celebrated the feast of Pentecost at Halberstadt [16 May].  After this, he travelled to Bavaria where he initially tried to defeat Henry, who was offering resistance with the help of Boleslav but afterwards concentrated on quashing conspiracies instigated elsewhere.  In this regard, he learned that Ernst whom he had recently honoured and Bruno [Henry II’s brother, later the bishop of Augsburg] , his own brother, had also joined the conspiracy.  They were heedless of what has been written: ‘Virtue lacking council fails of its own weight.’  To restrain their arrogance, the king gathered his supporters from all sides and, at the beginning of August, wasted the lands of Margrave Henry, thereby forcing him to abandon his residence and hide wherever he could.  Anyone aware of the cause of the margrave’s stubbornness would say that his actions were necessary: the higher powers may not withdraw something firmly promised to a faithful servant without alienating the devotion of others,  Tho those, I respond, every dominion in this world derives from God and whoever rises against it offends the divine majesty.  One must weather the sudden burst of injustice with the rudder of patience and, with humble supplication await a consolation which will be truly useful.  I think it better to ascend the heights gradually rather than incur a sudden and insurmountable ruin.  I admit that I would defend my cousin in some other way, if I did not fear to violate that truth which must be honoured by all faithful people.”

Chapter 33 [1003]

“In many ways, the proverbs of the ancients have been confirmed: the old crimes of humankind bring forth new acts of evil and shame.  For Margrave Henry’s father had often opposed the father of the king, as if an enemy rather than one of his milites, and himself admitted that he had supported the emperor’s side because of a boon promised under oath.  In similar fashion, Margrave Henry had been faithful to Otto III until the latter’s death and serve King Henry strenuously up to this unhappy time.  The king was still intensely aware of their fathers’ rivalry, but I believe that the love of Christ would have moved him to let it go entirely unpunished, if only he had not seen Margrave Henry in the company of his other enemies, opposing him so cruelly and openly.  Although Margrave Henry alone might appear guilty in this crime, it was not undertaken without the advice of others from the very beginning.  Because betrayal is deemed particularly shameful in this world, however, he preferred to pursue the matter, with his conscience groaning, rather than increase his own blame by endangering others.  Thus, he who once zealously defended the realm from the enemy now opened it to pillaging.  He secretly received aid from Boleslav though it did him no good.”

Chapter 34 [1003]

“When the king was traveling to a place called Hersbuck, the royal treasure, having been sent ahead, was seized by the margrave’s miles Maganus and his band.  Dividing the booty among themselves, they returned happily to the burg at Ammerthal.  The king followed and, after preparing for a siege, forced them to ask only for their lives., through intercessors, and to return both the burg and booty.  Then, after the burg had been virtually destroyed and the many Poles divided among his men, he set forth for the castle at Creussen where Margrave Henry’s brother, Bukko, was supposed to be guarding the Margrave’s wife, Gerberga, and his children.  From outside, Margrave Henry and his supporters fought the army which had surrounded the burg on all sides…”

Chapter 36 [1003]

“Meanwhile, as the king was besieging Margrave Henry’s burg at Creussen, Boleslav was straining with every effort to injure him in some way.  Secretly collecting an army, he sent representatives to demand that his brother-in-law, Gunzelin, surrender the burg of Meissen into his power and renew their old alliance as he had promised.  Gunzelin knew, however, that with Boleslav’s entry he would virtually be excluded from the king’s favour and from his own domain.  Thus, he offered the following response: ‘Everything you ask from me other than this, dear brother-in-law, I will freely provide and, if ever the opportunity arises for doing what you ask, I will not refuse.  But my lords retainers are with me and they would not suffer such things [senioris mei satellites(!)].  And, if this were revealed, my life and all that I possess would be endangered.’  When Boleslav heard this message, he put the messengers under guard and ordered his army to hasten to the Elbe.  He hollowed them, the next morning, after the character of the fords had been determined.  At the burg Strehla, because it was his daughter’s morning gift, he declared that the occupants had nothing to fear from him but that they should not try to warn their neighbors by crying out.  Without delay, the duke ordered the army to divide into four parts and reconvene in the evening at the burg Zehren.  Two detachments were sent ahead to ensure that they would not be troubled by the margrave.  In one day, the whole fertile region of Lommatzsch was ravaged with fuire and sword and had its inhabitants abducted.”

Chapter 37 [1003]

“Here, it might be recalled how Boleslav Chrobry who was so often accustomed to deceive others was himself fooled by the garrison of the citadel of Muegeln.  When they were besieged by the detachment sent against them they asked: ‘Why are you doing this?  We know your lord to be the best and hold him above us.  Just go on, and have no doubt that we will follow with our families and possessions.’  After they said these things their enemies ceased to harass them and reported to their lord that the garrison would arrive shortly.  Nevertheless, when Duke Boleslav saw that his retainers arrived late at the agreed-upon spot, and that the garrison stayed at home, was very angry and threatened to punish this false allies.  The next morning, at sun-up, a huge amount of booty was sent ahead.  A large part of the enemy drowned in the Elbe, but the rest returned home uninjured and divided the booty, assigning the best parts to God and their lord.  There were at least three thousand captives and eye witnesses have said that the actual number was still larger.”

Chapter 38 [1003]

“Margrave Henry, now perceiving that he had failed, hurried to the burg Kronach where he found Siegfried, the young son of Count Siegfried, who awaited him with aid.  Siegfried saw no hope of a rebellion in those parts, whether at his own or Henry’s instigation.  At last, after they had talked for a long time, Henry set the burg on fire and, together with lord Bruno and his remaining supporters, went to Boleslav the invader of Bohemia.  Siegfried, his hope of open resistance frustrated, did not go with them, but instead returned, intent on making amends fro what he had done.  The king had followed his enemy to Kronach and was pleased to see that he had taken the trouble to destroy everything.  Then he sent Bishop Henry of Wuerzburg and Erkanbald, abbot of Fulda, to burn and destroy the burg Schweinfurt.  When they arrived, Margrave Henry’s illustrious mother, Eila, received and greeted them, as was proper for such persons.  As soon as she understood the nature of the king’s orders, she became agitated and hurried to the church, declaring that she would rather die in the flames than cooperate in the burning of this building by departing alive.  Hence, the previously mentioned lords, putting aside secular concerns in favour of the love of Crhist, modified the punishment and merely pulled down the walls and outbuildings.  They also mollified the sorrowful woman with the promise that they would themselves restore everything, whenever the king’s favour permitted.”

“After he had restated all the count’s property and distribute it along with his benefice, the king went to Bamberg where he dismissed his army and celebrated the birth of the Mother of God with joyful festivities [8 September].  From thence he went to the forest of Spessart and relaxed from the labour of the expedition with the pleasure of the hunt.  Having passed a pleasant autumn there, he travelled through Franconia to Saxony where he announced that he would undertake an expedition against the Milzeni during the upcoming winter.  After this, he celebrated the birth of the Lord at Poehlde with spiritual and secular splendor, according to the custom of his predecessors.”

Chapter 39 [1004]

“…The king granted this and the prelate, traveling in a wagon as was his cutom, went to his estate at Trebra where he departed from this world after two days, on 25 January.”

Chapter 44 [1004]

“…Whatever he demanded from his most beloved Tagino, he received as a gift from his abundant good will.  Concerning the bishoprics of Meissen and Zeitz, he ordered a complete restoration, by royal power, because in this instance the earlier situation could justify the removal.  Therefore, I will compose a reface and sing songs of Christ with these verses.”

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March 19, 2017

Hüter am Rhein

Published Post author

An interesting study of Slavic place names on the Rhine* was conducted at the end of the 19th century.  These place names were assumed by the author – Hubert Marjan – to have appeared there by reason of the resettlement policies of Constantine the Great who in 334 supposedly resettled 300,000 Sarmatians somewhere in the Roman Empire, presumably including Gall.  According to other authors, the settlement took place under Constantius II in 359.  If some or all of these Sarmatians happened to speak Slavic then their settlement would have left a mark.

(* note – we have come across a view that the very name of the river is Slavic… how, well, in some old documents (including the Vita Louis) the river is repeatedly referred to as Hrenus and the suggestion is that the H was a G originally G>H, in which case the next step would be to change the “e” to an “a” and add an -ica so that we have granica/граница (Croat, Polish, Russian) or better yet hraniční (Czech) or hraničné (Slovak) (it’s different in Slovenian/Ukrainian).  That way the Rhine would the “border”.  Since the Slavs would presumably be on its Eastern side, they would neatly fit with the Suevi yet again.  That said, the above requires a number of steps which we are not convinced are justified.)

Whether or not this resettlement is true or, if true, whether or not it has any relation to the below data, the below data is interesting in and of itself.

Where are or were those places?

We put them on the map:

Most of them are in red.  (The blue square is a place the author did not associate with Slavs.  It is the town Graach which appears in documents first as Gracho, Gracha and Graca).

Here is the list (you would not have guessed them and we are not saying we agree with all of them as being Slavic (or with classifying others, not listed below, such as the above Gracho, not with Slavs)):

  • Trechirgau – Latin Trigorium, otherwise Trechere, Drikerigau, Trichire, Drachere, Trekere, Trechgere – “three mountains”;
  • Brodenbach – from brod, i.e., “ford”;
  • Sarmersheim, Simmern, Simmerbach – meaning “Sarmatian-“;
  • Traust – previously Trausrait from trusa, trusti  author compares with Truosnasteti in Sclavis (from the area of Meiningen).  Meaning “reeds” trstinatrskatростни́кtrichina*trъstina;
  • Riegenroth – from reka;
  • Windesheim – obvious from Venadi (presumably Venadi Sarmatae);
  • Strimmig – from stream – Indoeuropean (e.g., German Strom) but with the Slavic diminutive -ig as in -ik, strumyk – “little stream”; (compare the German forms Sterminaberg, Strimitz, Strimmelitz, Stremmen, Strummin – all Slavic);
  • Kleinich –  previously Clenniche, Cleniche.  From klen or klon;
  • Crastel – chrast, that is, “brushwood”;
  • Savershausen – from the tribe of the Savari;
  • Seibershausen – from sebru – “farmer”;
  • Rhaunen – previously Hruna which he ties to a Croatian Pagus Crauvati, Chrouvat, praedia… Chrouata et Runa by Knittenfeld in Austria;
  • Weithersheim – from vetr, vetoer, vjetar, etc;
  • Namedi – earlier Namedey, Namedy – from Nemci or Nemetes (or same?) or “Germans”;
  • Veitskopf – that is “Vit’s head”;
  • Künskopfe – “horses’ heads”;
  • Pfalzfeld – because of the discovery of this column which, however, may have looked like the below reconstruction before (note the heads on top – this detail comes from earlier descriptions); this column has been classified as Celtic:
  • Hoch-Simmer – from zima (compare ZImor in Bohemia); Same concept as Sniezka;
  • Nurburg – from Mons Nore – Slavic nora;
  • Hoch-Pochten – Puthena  from bohin or pogoda or others (this one seems highly suspect);
  • Saffenburg – from “frogs” – compare with other such names from clearly Slavic places such as Sabnica or Sabniza, Safen and Saffin – all referring to frogs;
  • Sehl – previously Sele; nearby mountain Soch;
  • Soch – mountain name from socha/sucha that is “dry” – he notes the reference the “completely uncultivated” mountain in 1144 (penitus incultus).
  • Cochem – previously Cuchuma, Cuhckeme, Cochomo, Cochma, Kuchema and others – compared with villa Cugme (Serb) on the Danube which was Schaffarik thought was related to the word kukma, that is comb (but compare the Gujarati village Kukma);
  • Sarmersbach – “Sarmatian stream”.  Here the author relies on spring celebrations which were recorded in the village and which seem to have involved young men going around, with a basket that had a spruce in it and collecting eggs.  They would go house to house and demand eggs of young ladies singing as follows: “Will das Mädchen nicht obstohn, Fein Liebchen fein! So wollen wir’s in die Blotz dröhn.”  The “Blotz” had been explained as referring to an “offering” (Gothic blotan or Ahd pluozan).  But the author compares this to bloto meaning “mud”, i.e., if you do not give us eggs we will throw you in the mud.  He further compares this to the dyngus of Poland and Silesia (not found elsewhere in Germany).
  • Mückeln – in the area there are (or were in the 19th century) many pagan burial sites that the locals called tumuli.  The author derives the name from the Slavic mogila (see also Mugilones) and cites Miklosich as showing similar names in the area of Magdeburg such as Müglenz, Muggel, Möchling, Mücheln, Muchil, Mügeln, Muggelink.
  • Ober-Wesel – Wesel meaning froh or “happy” vesel, Veselka, Veseloe, Vjessel  

These people belong to a local “Keltengruppe” – look at these faces :-).

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February 3, 2017

Thegan’s Deeds of Louis (the Pious) and its Few Slavs (or Suavs)

Published Post author

The following are the few Slavic excerpts from Thegan’s Deeds of Louis (the Pious) (778 – 840).  That “Vita” (Gesta Hludowici imperatoris) is one of the few (relatively) contemporary biographies written about Louis (the others – the Life of Louis (the Pious) and Carmina in honorem Hludowici Caesaris –  having been written, respectively, by the anonymous, so-called Astronomer and by Ermold) .  Thegan (before 800 – circa 850) was the bishop of Trier.

About twenty manuscripts of this work remain.  One of the oldest (from about 1090) is one where the scribe could not quite make up his mind how to spell Slavs.  In the earlier section we have Suavos and in the later we have Sclavos (the other manuscripts seem to have Sclavos in both places).


It is interesting to note (see below) how easily a “u” may become a “cl” (or vice versa).

Gesta Hludowici imperatoris

14. In the next year [815] of his reign he held his general assembly in the territory of Saxony and there he decreed many good things.  Danish legates came to him requesting peace; all who were in the surrounding pagan countries came to him.  Bernard came to him there, and Louis sent him back to Italy.  After Louis confirmed the confines of his kingdom in these territories, he returned to his seat in the palace at Aachen and there spent the winter.

15.  In the following year [816] Louis sent his army against the Slavs who lived in the east.  The Franks overcame them and were victorious by the gift of God.  That done, each of them returned to his own lands.

27.  In the following year [820] Louis sent his army against the eastern Slavs.  The leader of the Slavs was named Ljudovit.  The Franks put him to flight and laid waste to that land.  Returning from there, they went home.

34.  In the next year [825] Louis was at the palace at Aachen with his army and there legates of the Bulgars came bearing gifts.  Louis received them graciously and dismissed them to return to their own land.

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February 2, 2017

All of Thietmar’s Slavs (Books I – IV)

Published Post author

Except for some excerpts, we have not presented here the famous Chronicle of Thietmar of Merseburg.  We begin to correct that now with the first four books (out of eight),  Here are the mentions of the Slavs in Books I – IV of the Chronicle of Thietmar.  The translation by David Warner is based on the manuscript at Dresden (available in facsimile which was prepared pre-WWII; the actual manuscript was destroyed in the bombing of that city) but with additions from the other manuscript in existence that of Brussels which seems to stem from the Corvey Abbey. The Dresden manuscript seems to have been prepared by Thietmar and his team and so is superior but is incomplete due to some pages having been destroyed already prior to the sixteenth century (hence they are not part of the facsimile).  The Brussels pieces are marked with italics as done by Warner.

Book I

Chapter 3

“Merseburg had its beginning with Henry who unified the city’s holdings, legally belonging to many at the time, and treaty added to them through his virtue and industry…  Born of the noble lineage of Otto and Hadwig, he grew from boyhood like a tree in secret.  Like a flower in early spring, moreover, he gradually revealed himself to be a warrior of good character.  His father sent him with a large army to that province which we Germans call Daleminzia but the Slavs call Lommatsch*.  After much destruction and burning, he returned victorious.  But I should now relate how that region acquired its name.  Lommatsch is a spring located not more than two miles from the Elbe.  It is the source of a pool which often produces marvels, so the local populace claims, and many others have verified this with their own eyes.  If a good peace is to be expected, and the earth does not falsely promise its fruits, it is covered with wheat, oats, and acorns.  This brings joy to the hearts of the populace which frequently gathers there.  When the savage storms of war threaten, it gives a clear indication of the outcome with blood and ash.  The entire population venerates and fears this pool more than the churches, albeit with dubious expectations, and this region, which extends from the Elbe up to the Chemnitz, derives its name from it.”

* note: David Warner when translating this chose to supply the appropriate modern place names rather than the archaic form used by Thietmar (here Glomaci). “Widukind notes that the defeated Daleminzi subsequently called on the Hungarians for aid.  As the first known raid by the Hungarians occurred in 906, it has been assumed that Henry’s campaign occurred in the same year,  As a king, Henry continued and even intensified his aggressive posture towards the Slavs and, by 929, had sufficiently dominated them that they could be forced to pay tribute.”

Chapter 4

“While returning from an expedition against the Bohemians, Bishop Arn of Wurzburg set up his tent near this river, in the region of Schkeuditz, on a hill by the road leading to the north.  As he changed the mass, he was surrounded by a hostile army.  After all his companions had been martyred, he too was offered to God, along with the host which had been consecrated to these sacrifice of praise.  This occurred in the year 892 of the Incarnation and in the times of Emperor Arnulf.  Nowadays, burning lights are often seen there and not even the Slavs doubt that these are the holy martyrs of God.  During his period of office, the aforementioned priest built a templet God in the city of Wurzburg and, in ten years, built nine churches on the same model within his bishopric…”

Chapter 10

“As I will be speaking of Otto, I think it unnecessary to discuss each of his father’s accomplishments.  The extent of King Henry’s dignity can be perceived in his son and, in any case, the brilliance of his life shines sufficiently in the writings of many others [presumably a reference to Widukind whose chronic forms the basis for this chapter].  But I will add certain things which I find particularly noteworthy.  He made the following regions pay tribute: Bohemia, Daleminzia, and the lands of the Abodrites, Wilzi, Hevelli, and Redarii.  They immediately rebelled and, inciting others to join them, attacked, destroyed and burned the burg Walsleben.  To avenge this, pour army convened and besieged the burg Lenzen.*  Meanwhile, they beat back and utterly defeated a counterattack by the burg’s defenders, allowing only a few to escape.  The burg was also taken.  Among our people, two of my great-grandfathers, both named Liuthar, fell with many others on 5 September.  They were distinguished men, the best of warriors, of illustrious lineage, and the honour and solace of the homeland.”

* “A Slavic burg located approximately 50 kilometers north-west of Havelberg, at a strategic crossing over the river Elbe.  The Saxons occupied it in 929, and in 948 it was assigned to to the bishops of Havelberg.  After the Slavic uprising of 983, it was occupied by the Abodrites.”

Chapter 16

“He [Henry I]* established a settlement on a then densely forested mountain next to the Elbe and built a burg there which he called Meissen from a certain brook which flowed from it in a northerly direction [928/929].  As is the custom today, he strengthened it with a garrison and certain other remeasures.  From here, he compelled the Milzeni, already subject to his will, to pay tribute.  Furthermore, after long besieging the burg Lebusa, of which I will speak more extensively later, he forced the residents to flee to a small inner fortress and then to surrender. From that day, om which he justly destroyed by fire, to the present, the burg has been uninhabited.  If, as many say, Henry enriched himself unjustly during his reign, may merciful God forgive him.”

* Henry I died in 936.

Book II

Chapter 2

[years 929-935] “Many adversities disturbed his fortunes.  For the wicked Boleslav [I], having killed his brother Wenceslaus, Duke of the Bohemians and faithful to God and the king, remained full of pride for a long time.  But afterwards, the king conquered him by force and placed him in the custody of his brother Henry, the duke of the Bavarians [i.e., in 950].  The Hungarians, once enemies of his father but long pacified, again invaded but quickly retreated [February 937].  No small amount of discord arose among our fellow countrymen and colleagues who incited Tammo, son of the king and Liudgard.  All of this because the office formerly possessed by Count Siegfried of Merseburg,m which he claimed for himself, had been given to Margrave Gero and, so it appeared, Tammo’s maternal inheritance was to be entirely taken away from hi,.  The king besieged his son in the Eresburg and tried to move him from his evil presumption both with threats and promises.  But then the army entered the captured city and drove the youth, exhausted by the fighting, to retreat to the church of Saint Peter where previously the ancient Irminsul had been worshipped.  At last, pierced from behind through a window by Maginzo’s lance, he died before the altar [28 July].  Later, in the second year of his reign, the king punished Maginzo with a cruel death.”

Chapter 12

“As these events were transpiring, the Slavs started a horrible war at the instigation of Counts Wichman and Ekbert under the leadership of Nacco and his brother Stoignew.  Lacking confidence in his own ability to defeat them, the commander, Herman, asked the king for help.  Energetic as he was, the latter took  a strong force and invaded those northern regions which, as scripture teaches, so often produce evil [Jerome 1:14].  There, the king had Stoignew beheaded, after capturing him in a wood in which he had hidden as his supporters fled.  He pursued the authors of this outrage, the brothers Wichman and Ekbert, sons of his maternal aunt…”

Chapter 14

“…Gero, margrave of the eastern march, subjugated Lausitz, Selpuli, and even obligated Miesco [I of Poland] and his subjects to pay tribute to the emperor.  Duke Herman also made Selibur [of the Wagri], Mistui [of the Abodrites], and their followers pay tribute to the emperor.”

Chapter 22

“The emperor summoned Richer, the third abbot of the church of Magdeburg – for Anno and Otwin, then bishops, had preceded him – and wanted to decorate him with the episcopal dignity.  But after examining a letter which had been secretly given to him, he changed his mind.  Instead, he chose the monk Adalbert of Trier who had been previously ordained bishop for Russia but expelled by the heathen.  Otto promoted that illustrious and much-tested father to the archiepiscopal dignity on 18 October, in the year 970 of the Incarnation, and with papal authority.  Then, he sent him to his see with great honour, ordering all the leading  men of Saxony to be with him at the next celebration of Christmas.  The archbishop was received with magnificence by the clergy and the whole populace.  During these feast days, he consecrated Boso as first pastor of the church of Merseburg, Burchard as foist overseer of the church of Meissen, and Hugh as first bishop of Zeitz.  Also present was Dudo, the first guardian of Havelberg who had been previously consecrated.  All of these promised obedience to him and to his successors and to each was conveyed his specific diocese.  Thietmar, first pastor of the church of Brandenburg who had been previously consecrated and Jordan first bishop of Poznan joined these brethren.”*

* Bishop Jordan of Poznan (968 – 984) arrived in Poland as part of the entourage of Dobrawa, wife of Mieszko I.

Chapter 29

“Meanwhile, the illustrious Margrave Hodo collected an army and attacked Miesco [Mieszko I] though the latter was faithful to the emperor and paid tribute for territory extending to the river Warta.  Only my father, Count Siegfried, then a young man and unmarried, came to his aid with warriors of his own.  When the battle began at Zehden, on the feast of John the Baptist, they were initially successful [24 June 972].  But then Mieszko‘s brother, Cidibur [Czcibor], attacked and killed all the best warriors, with the exception of the two counts.*  The emperor was very  disturbed when he learned this miserable news and sent representatives from Italy who ordered Hodo and Miesco to leave off their fighting and preserve the peace until he returned, or risk losing his favour.”

* This refers to the Battle of Cedynia.

Chapter 31

“From thence, he went to Quedlinburg to celebrate the upcoming feast of Easter with divine praise and earthly joy [23 March 973].  Here also, at the emperor’s order, Dukes Miesco and Boleslau, and legates of the Greeks, Beneventans, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Danes, and Slavs gathered along with all the leading men of the kingdom.  When all matters had been settled peacefully and gifts had been distributed, they went home satisfied.  But the emperor’s joy was disturbed when Duke Herman died there on 1 April.  While his son Bernhard was preparing to transport Herman’s body to Luneburg, he encountered Bishop Bruno of Verden, who was near by.  Because the bishop had placed the duke under the ban during his lifetime, the son tearfully asked that he might immediately grant absolution and permit burial in the church.  But his request was not granted.”

Chapter 37

For a portion of this chapter dealing with the Slavs see here.

Chapter 38

“Because i have already spoken briefly about Duke Conrad, the emperor’s son-in-law who was killed at the river Lech, I believe that it would be appropriate for me to reveal certain things which were not discussed at that time.  Much later, during a stay at Merseburg, the emperor learned from an informant that the Slavs at Zwenkau under lord Kuchawiz, whom he much esteemed, had possession of the duke’s armour.  With Kuchawiz‘s aid, a judicial duel was held and the losers were hanged at the emperor’s order.  Most of the booty was restored.  I do not know whether they took these things as murderers or, without guilt, discovered the duke’s death by chance.  In any case, they rightly paid with their lives for having presumed to keep this secret.”

Chapter 42

“In the days of the previously mentioned emperor, there was a certain count, named Hed, who built a church in Heeslingen in honour of the athlete of Christ Vitus.  Because he had no heir, he endowed it with the greatest part of his property and, after establishing a congregation of nuns there, placed the same abbey under the protection of Archbishop Adaldag of Bremen.  But alas, the two venerable matrons who were placed over this foundation – each named Wendelgard – died quickly…”

Book III

Chapter 1

“…The emperor looked upon the still impoverished bishopric of Merseburg with generous concern, giving to Bishop Giselher, whom he loved greatly, first the abbey in Pohlde and then the burg Zwenkau with all its appertinences, this for the service of Saint John the Baptist.  He also granted to him whatever lay within the walls of Merseburg, including the Jews, the merchants, and the mint; also the forest between the river Saale and the Mulde or rather between the districts of Siusuli and Pleissnerland; as well as Kohren, Nerchau, Pausitz, Taucha, Portitz, and Gundorf.  All of this was conveyed through a diploma which he confirmed with his own hand.”*

* The various back & forths regarding these lands conducted by bishops and emperors should not cause us to lose sight of the fact that the lands at the time consisted primarily of Slavic villages.

Chapter 4

“…By election and by the emperor’s grant, Warin was quickly amnointed in his place [as archbishop].”

Chapter 7

“In the year 976 of the Incarnation of the Lord, Henry, duke of the Bavarians, fled to Bohemia after being deprived of both his office and the communion of the church.  While he was residing there, with Duke Boleslav, the emperor attacked with a strong army, but gained nothing at all against these two.  Moreover, through the treachery of one of Boleslav‘s warriors, he lost a great troop of Bavarians who were coming to his aid had just set up camp next to the burg Pilsen.  In the evening, the Bavarians were washing themselves without having set a guard for security.  Suddenly, the mailed enemy arrived and cut them down as they ran naked to their tents and through the meadow.  The enemy returned with all of their booty, happy and unharmed.  Hearing of the loss of so many men, and knowing that no other route of rerun was accessible to him, the emperor went directly to his burg at Cham.  In the following, he brought the duke to submission as the latter sought refuge at Passau.  In the next year, Duke Henry, Count Ekbert, and Bishop Henry were accused before the emperor at Magdeburg.  Afterwards, they were captured and sent into a long exile.

Chapter 11

“While the emperor was still in Rome, Archbishop Adalbert, in the thirteenth year after his consecration, was traveling around Bishop Giselher’s dopes, teaching and confirming his flock – this because Giselher himself was then with the emperor.  He celebrated mass at Merseburg on 19 June and happily spent the following night in Corbetha with Hermuzo, an honorable layman.  The next morning, after arising, he complained bitterly of a severe headache.  He departed nonetheless.  When he had passed through the village of Zscherben, on the way to Freckleben, he began gradually to sink down on his horse and would have fallen to the ground had he not been supported by his companions…”

Chapter 16

“After receiving the emperor’s permission, Giselher came to Magdeburg, on 30 November, in the company of Bishop Dietrich of Metz.  Dietrich was a friend of the emperor and very dear to him.  He also belonged to that group of corrupt men who, in return for obscuring the truth, had accepted one thousand pounds of gold an silver from the archbishop.  One morning, at the emperor’s order, someone jokingly blessed Dietrich in the following manner: ‘May God satisfy you with gold in the hereafter since we here cab by no means do so!’ Then everything previously belonging to our church was wretchedly divided, as if in accord with the custom of the Slavs by which, after a family has been accused, its property is dispersed by being put up for sale.  Bishop of Zeitz received that part of our diocese which lay between the Saale, Elster, and Mulde rivers; and between the districts of Pleisse, Wethau and Teuchern; and including the villages of Possen and Pissen [Bishop Frederik of Zeitz was bishop circa 980 – circa 990].  Bishop Folkold of Meissen was given a piece which included the villages of Wechselburg and Lastau and pertained to eastern Schkeuditz, being bordered by the rivers Chemnitz and Elbe.  For himself, Giselher kept nine burgs, namely: Schkeuditz, Taucha, Wurzen, Puechen, Eilenburg, Dueben, Pouch, Loebnitz and Zoecheritz.  Documents which conveyed royal or imperial gifts he either burned or, by altering the name of the recipient, mad ether refer to his own church.  Payers of tribute, and everything that was supposed to belong to Merseburg, he intentionally scattered so that they might never be gathered together again.  He established an abbey at Merseburg itself and set over it Ohtrad, a venerable monk of the monastery of Saint John.  Later he gave it to Heimo who came front he same monastery.  But note, O reader, what came of this destruction!”

Chapter 17

“Margrave DIetrich’s arrogance so irritated peoples who had already accepted both Christianity and the status of tribute payer in regard to our kings and emperors, that their members unanimously decide to take up arm’s.  This turn of events was predicted to my father, Count Siegfried, in the following way.  In a dream, he saw a sky filled with dense clouds.  Astonished, he asked what it meant and a voice replied: ‘Now that prophecy must be fulfilled: ‘God allows the rain to fall both on the just and the unjust.” [Matthew 5:45]  The outrage began on 29 July, with the murder of the garrison and destruction of the cathedral at Havelberg.  Three days late, at the sounding of prime, the entire band of Slavs attacked the bishopric of Brandenburg, a see established beyond Magdeburg some thirty years previously.  Folkmar, the third bishop of that seem had already fled, and his defender, Dietrich, barely escaped with his warriors on the same day as the attack.  The clergy who remained were captured.  The second bishop, Dodilo, was dragged from his tomb.  He had been strangled by his own people and, though three years in the grave, his body and priestly vestments were as yet uncorrupted.  The greedy dogs then plundered him and carelessly threw him back again.  They also stole all of the church’s treasures and brutally spilled the blood of many.  Thus various cults of demonic heresy were venerated instead of Christ and his fisherman., the venerable Peter.  And not only the heathen praise this sorrowful change, but also Christians!”

Chapter 18 

“In those times, the church of Zeitz was captured and wasted by an army of Bohemians under the leadership of Dedi.  Its first bishop, Hugh, had already fled.  Afterwards, the Slavs devastated the monastery of Saint Lawrence at Calbe and pursued our people as if they were so many fleeing deer.  Our spirits were fearful because of our sins, but their spirits were strong.  Duke Mistui of the Abodrites burned and ravaged Hamburg which was formerly the residence of the bishop.  Yet all of the Christendom should piously note the miracle that Christ performed there from heaven.  A golden hand came down from the highest regions and, with outstretched fingers, reached into the middle of the fire.  This occurred in full view of all.  The army looked on in astonishment, and Mistui was both terrified and dumbfounded.  This incident was related to me by Avico who was then Mistui’s chaplain, but later became my spiritual brother.  We both came to the conclusion that God had, in this way, taken the relic up to heaven and, at the same time, terrified and put the enemy to flight.  Later, Mistui lost his mind and was held in chains. After being immersed in water that ha been blessed, he shouted: ‘Saint Lawrence is burning me!’ But before he could be freed, he died wretchedly.

Chapter 19

“By the time the Slavs had burned and pillaged all the burgs and villages as far as the river Tanger, there were more than thirty bands of warriors on foot and horseback.  Without sustaining any losses and aided by their Gods, they did not hesitate to ravage the rest of the region, as their blaring trumpets preceded them.  We did not remain unaware of these events.  Bishops Giselher and Hildeward joined with Margrave Dietrich and with the other counts: Rikdag, Hodo, Benizo, Frederick, Dudo, my father Siegfried, and many others.  At dawn, on Saturday, they heard mass together.  Then, after fortifying body and spirit with the sacrament of heaven, they confidently fell upon the approaching enemy and, except for a few who found refuge on a hill, completely annihilated them.  The victors praised God, marvelous in all his works, and the truthful word of the treater, Paul, was confirmed: There is neither prudence nor strength nor counsel against the Lord. [actually from Proverbs] Utterly abandoned were those who had once dared to reject God and stupidly chose to worship meaningless idols, which they themselves had made, rather than their own creator.  Unfortunately, as night approached and our forces made camp some distance await, the Slavs of whom I have spoken above furtively escaped.  The next day our people happily returned to their homeland, after sustaining only three casualties.  While on their way, or once they were at home, they were congratulated by everyone they encountered.”

Chapter 21

[this describes Otto’s campaign in Italy in July 982]

“Along with Duke Otto and several others, the emperor fled to the sea where, in the distance, he spotted a ship f the type known as a salandria.  He hurried out to it on a horse belonging to the Jew Calonimus but the ship’s crew refused to take him in and continued on their way.  Returning to the safety of the shore, he found the Jew still standing there, anxiously awaiting the fate of his beloved lord [or the return of his stolen horse :-)].  When the emperor saw that his enemies had also arrived on the scene, he sorrowfully asked this man: ‘What now will become of me?’  Suddenly, he noticed that a second salandria was following the first once, and realized that a among the ship’s occupants was a friend who might be expected to help him.  Once again, he urged his horse into the water hand hurried out to the ship where he was recognized only by his warrior Henry, whose Slavic name is Zolunta.  He was taken on board and placed in the bed of the ship’s commander.  Eventually, the commander also recognized him and asked if he was the emperor.  After denying out for some time, Otto finally conceded and declared: ‘Yes, it is I, reduced to this miserable state because of my sins.  But listen carefully to what we may now do together.  I have just lost the best men of my empire and, tormented by this sorrow, can never again set foot in this land and have no further desire to see those who have befriended it.  Only, let us go to the city of Rossano where my wife awaits my arrival.  We will take he and all the treasure, of which I have an unspeakable amount, and go to your emperor, my brother.  As I hope, he will be a loyal friend to me in my time of need.’  Delighted at this pleasant conversation, the ship’s commander hurried day and night to reach this place.  As they approached their destination, the warrior with the two names [i.e., Henry/Zolunta] was sent ahead to summon the empress and Bishop Dietrich, who accompanied her, and also to fetch the many treasure-lade pack animals.”

Chapter 24

“… In the year 983 of the Incarnation of the Lord, the emperor held court at Verona and Henry the Younger, having been released from exile, was made duke of the Bavarians.  And in this same year, the Slavs united in resistance to the emperor and Margrave Dietrich.  Also, the emperor’s son was unanimously elected lord.”

Book IV

Chapter 2

“After leaving Magdeburg, Henry went to Quedlinburg to celebrate the joyful feast of Easter.  The great men of the duchy also gathered there, and some who did not wish to come in person sent a representative who was to scrutinize everything carefully.  During the celebration, the duke’s supporters openly greeted him as king and he was honoured with divine laudes.  Dukes Miesco, Mistui and Boleslav converted there along with innumerable others and swore oaths confirming their support for him as king and lord.  Many others, not daring to violate their oath to the king, for fear of God, withdrew somewhat and hurried to the Asselburg where there allies, now openly plotting against the duke, were meeting.  These are their names: from the East, along with Duke Bernhard and Margrave Dietrich, there were the Counts Ekkehard, Binizo, Esiko, the count and priest Bernward, Siegefried and his son, the brothers Frederich and Ziazo; from that region also were the brothers Dietrich and SIgbert, Hoiko, the brothers Ekkehard and Bezeko, Brunig and his brother; and, at the order of Archbishop Willigis, the milites of Saint Martin, joined by a great multitude from the West.”

Chapter 5

“In the company of his supporters, Henry then sought out Boleslav [II], duke of the Bohemians, who had always been willing to help him, whatever the circumstances.  The duke receive him honorably and had his army conduct hiom from the boundaries of his territory through those of the territories of Nisan and Daleminzia as far as Muegeln.  Then, with our people coming to meet him, he proceeded to Magdeborn.  Meanwhile, one of Duke Boleslav of Bohemia‘s milites, Wagio, who had been among the trips which ac companied Henry, stopped at Meissen while making his way home.  After conversing with the inhabitants of the place, the had an intermediary invite Frederich, ally and warrior of that Margrave Rikdag, whip then resided at Merseburg, to meet with him for a discussion at a certain church outside of the city.  As he went out, however, the door closed after him.  Rikdag, guardian of that city and a celebrated warrior, was ambushed and killed by them, at a stream called Triebischbach.  The city was soon furnished with a garrison by Boleslav and it quickly accepted him both as lord and resident.”

Chapter 6

“At the instigation of the ever capricious people, Boleslav drove out Bishop Folkold, who then went to Archbishop Willigis and was accorded a friendly reception.  The bishop had nourished him as if he were his own son and, when sent to those eastern regions, had warmly recommended to Otto II that WIlligis succeed him as the king’s teacher.  WIlligis never forgot this favour and acknowledged it with all gratitude, especially now, when Folkold was in greatest need.  He ordered that Folkold be cared for and given every consideration, at Erfurt, a location the bishop himself had chosen.  After residing there [at Erfurt] for a long time, he was able to return to his own see after Margrave Rikdag died and was succeeded by the illustrious Ekkehard, and when Boleslav returned to his own lands [October/November 985].  Afterwards, he became Boleslav‘s close friend.  When he was in Prague, where he had celebrated Maundy Thursday and, on the following day, which is Good Friday, he was rightly proceeding with the memory of he divine passion, he was paralysed vt stroke and had to be carried away…”

Chapter 9

“The king celebrated the next fewest of Easter at Queldinburg where he was ministered to by four dukes: Henry at his table, Conrad as chamberlain, Henry ‘the Younger’ as cellarer, Bernhard as marshal [April 4, 986].  Boleslav and Miesco also came here with their followers and, after everything was taken care of, departed again, richly endowed with gifts.  In those days, Miesco commended himself to the king and, along with other gifts, presented him with a camel.  He also joined the king on two expeditions… The king did not cease to assault the Slavs with many harsh campaigns [June – July 986].  He also conquered certain peoples in the East, who presumed to rise up against him.  In the West he contended by force and guile to conquer an enemy which repeatedly took up arms and plundered far and wide.  It is unnecessary to describe Otto’s childhood, and it would take too long to recount what he accomplished with the advice of prudent counsellors.”

Chapter 11

“At that time, Miesco and Boleslav [II] had a falling out and did much damage to one another.  Boleslav called on the aid of the Liutizi who had always been loyal to him and to his forefathers. But Miesco sought help from Empress Theophanu.  She was then in Magdeburg and sent Giselher, archbishop of that place, and the counts, Ekkehard, Esiko, and Bizino, along with my father and another of the same name, and with Bruno, Udo, and several others.  With barely four weak bands, they set off for the region called Selpuli.  While under way, they stopped by a swamp, over which a long bridge extended.  On the previous day, one of Willo’s companions had been captured by the Bohemians as he was going ahead of the group to inspect his land.  Now, in the silence of night, he escaped and gave Count Binizo the first news of an imminent attack.  At his warning, our forced quickly roused themselves and prepared for battle.  They heard mass in the grey dawn, some standing, others on horseback; and, anxious about the outcome of the coming battle, left their encampment as the sun rose.”

Chapter 12

“Then, on 13 July, Boleslav came with troops and both sides sent out scouts.  From Boleslav‘s side, a certain miles named Slopan approached to inspect our forces.  After returning, his lord asked for his opinion regarding this army and whether or not he would be able do battle with it.  Indeed, his milites had demanded that none of our people be permitted to depart alive.  Slopan offered him the following assessment: ‘This army is small in number, but of the best quality and armed richly in iron.  It is possible for you to do battle with it, but should the victory fall to you, you will be so weakened that you will have to flee your enemy Miesco and will only escape his constant harassment with great effort, or perhaps not at all.  Moreover, you will acquire the Saxons as your enemy in perpetuity.  If you are defeated, it will mean your end and that of your entire kingdom.  There will remain no hope of resistance for you, surrounded everywhere by the enemy.’  Boleslav‘s fury was calmed by these words and, after peace had been concluded, he asked our leading men, who had come to attack him, if they would go with him to Miesco and, in the matter of restoring his property, put in a good word with that prince.  Our people agreed to this and Archbishop Giselher, Ekkehard, Esiko and Benizo went with him.  All the rest departed for their homes in peace.  Now, with the day turning to evening, all were relieved of their arms until an oath was sworn, after which they were returned.  Boleslav came with our people as far sat the Oder.  There, a messenger was sent to tell Miesco that his allies were in Boleslav‘s power.  If he were to return the lands he had seized, he would permit these men to depart unharmed, if not, all would die.  But Miesco responded to him in these words: ‘If the king wishes to rescue his people or avenge third eats, he may do so.  In any case, he would not give up anything for their sake.’  When Boleslav heard this, he plundered and burned the surrounding areas as much as he could but left all of our people unharmed.”

Chapter 13

 “Returning from there, he besieged a fortress called […] and, with no opposition from the occupants, he conquered it along with its lord, whom he ave to the Liutizi for decapitation.  Without delay, this sacrificial victim was offered to their supportive Gods in front of the city and all departed for home.  Boleslav knew that, without his help, our forces could not reach home without being attacked by the Liutizi.  Thus, he dismissed our people at dawn on the following day and warned them to move quickly.  As soon as their enemies learned of this, they were eager to go after them with a large band of chosen warriors.  Boleslav was barely able to restrain them with words such as these: ‘You who came to help me, see that you complete what you have undertaken.  Know that I took those men under my protection and dismissed them in peace; and, as long as I live, I will not suffer even one of them to be harmed today.  It would be neither honorable nor wise for us to turn close friends into open enemies.  I know of the hatred between you, but you will find much more suitable occasions for satisfying it.’  After calming the Liutizi with words such as these, he managed to detain them for two more days.  Then, after taking leave of one another and renewing their ancient alliance, they departed.  Now, those infidels chose two hundred warriors who followed our force which were few in number.  Our forces were soon informed of this by one of Margrave Hodo’s milites.  Immediately quickening their pace, they arrived in Magdeburg unharmed (thank God!), while their enemies labored in vain.” 

Chapter 18

“Meanwhile Archbishop Adaldag of Bremen died and was succeeded by Liawizo who, from his homeland between the Alps and Swabia, had followed there exiled Pope Benedict here and so had put forward a claim to this office before God and the king [29 April 988].  After there fortresses on the Elbe were restored, the Slavs were attacked and made subject to the king.  In the winter, a flood and a great wind did much damage.  Excessive heat did great damage to the crops and many people died from a savage pestilence…*”

* as in Annales Quedlinburgenses under 987 and 988.

Chapter 19

“…In the fourth year, a great pestilence broke out in the eastern regions along with famine and war [995].  Also the king attacked the Abodrites and ravaged the lands of the Wiltzi.”

Chapter 21

“…The preceding winter [994] had been harsh, unhealthy, cold, windy and unusually dry.  At this time, the Slavs were defeated.”

Chapter 22

“But because I have spoken above about the destruction of the church of Brandenburg, now I will briefly explain how it was subjected to the king for a time.  In our vicinity, there was a celebrated miles, named Kizo, who was treated by Margrave Dietrich in a manner that did not please him.  Because of this and because no other means were available to him, he went over to our enemies.  The latter, recognizing him to be entirely faithful to them in all things, commended the above-mentioned burg to him in order to harm us that much more.  But after being mollified by our flattery , he surrendered it and himself into the king’s power.  Thereafter, the Liutizi, burning with anger, attacked him there with every available warrior [October 995].  Meanwhile, the king was in Magdeburg.  When informed of the situation, he quickly sent all the forces he had with him: Margrave Ekkehard, my three maternal uncles, Frederick the count palatine, and my paternal uncle.  As they were arriving there together, along with their forces, they were dispersed by a ferocious enemy attack.  After a number of millets had been killed, one part of our orcs managed to reach the fortress, the remainder had to retreat.  Then, after assembling supporters from all sides, the king himself quickly went there.  The enemy was severely pressing the burg’s defenders, but when they saw our forces in the distance, they quickly abandoned their camp and fled.  Rejoicing in their liberation, the defenders sang Kyrie eleison, and those who were approaching responded with one voice.  The king provided the burg with a a garrison and, after his departure, held it for a long time.  Later, when Kizo came to Quedlinburg, he was deprived not only of his burg, but his wife and milites as well.  Afterwards, he received everything back, except for the burg.  The burg was placed in the power of one of his warriors called Boliliut, on whose advice all of this had been done though he was not then present.  But Kizo, the best of warriors, secretly tried to exact revenge in those regions and was killed, along with his supporters.”

Chapter 28

“In the beginning of the summer, Adalbert, bishop of the Bohemians, arrived.  He had received the name Woyciech at his baptism, the other name, at his confirmation, from the archbishop of Magdeburg.  He was educated in letters, in that same city, Ochtrich about whom we have already spoken.  As he was unable to separate his flock from the ancient error of wickedness through godly teaching, he excommunicated them all and came to Rome to justify himself before the Pope.  For a long time, wit the Pope’s permission, he lived an exemplary life according to the strict rule of Abbot Boniface.  With the same Pope’s permission, he later tried to subdue the Prussians, their thoughts still estranged from Christ, with the bridle of holy preaching.  On 23 April, pierced by a spear and beheaded, he alone received the best martyrdom, without a groan.  This occurred just as he himself had seen it in a dream and had predicted to all the brothers, saying: ‘I thought I saw myself celebrating mass and communicating alone.’ Seeing that he had now died, the authors of this wicked crime increased both their wickedness and the vengeance of God by throwing the blessed body in the water.  His head, however, they scornfully transfused with a stake.  They returned home with great joy.  After learning of this,  Boleslav, Miesco’s son, immediately purchased both the martyr’s celebrated body and his head.  In Rome, after the emperor had been informed, he humbly offered praises to God because, during his lifetime, he had taken such a servant for himself through the palm of martyrdom…”

Chapter 29

“After departing from Romania, the emperor visited our regions and, having learned of a rebellion of the Slavs, advanced with an armed force on Stoderania which is also called the land of the Hevelli [latter half of May 997].  After wasting these lands with fire and great plundering, he returned victorious to Magdeburg [post-20 August].  Because of this, a great multitude of our enemies attacked Bardengau, but were conquered by our forces.  Bishop Ramward of Minden took part in that battle.  Followed by the standard-bearers, he had taken up his cross in his hands and ridden out ahead of his companions, thereby greatly encouraging them for battle.  On that day, Count Gardulf died along with a few others, but among the enemy, a great number were killed.  There remainder fled after abandoning their booty.”

Chapter 38

“Let us recall to memory what wretched damage occurred to Archbishop Giselher because of his carelessness.  For the protection of our homeland, the emperor had the Arneburg reinforced with necessary defensive works and policed it in Giselher’s custody for a period of four weeks [early to mid-June 997]  Through some as yet unknown ruse, he was invited to a meeting with the Slavs and went out, accompanied only by a small entourage.  Some went ahead, while others remind in the fortress.  Suddenly, one of his companions announced that their enemies were bursting out of the woods.  After milites from both sides were joined in combat, the archbishop, who had been traveling in a cart, fled on a fast horse.  Only a few of his companions escaped death.  Thus, the victorious Slavs plundered the belongs of the dead in complete security – it was 2 July – and complained only that the archbishop had escaped.  In spite of the fact that his forces had been so severely cut up, Giselher guarded the fortress up tp the agreed upon day.  While he was returning home, in great sadness, he encountered my paternal uncle, Margrave Liuthar, in whose care the aforementioned burg was now to reside.  Without hesitation, he commended it to him and departed.  When the margrave arrived, he saw smoke and fire coming from the fortress.  A messenger was sent to request that the archbishop return, but without success and Liuthar himself tried to put out the fire, now raging in two different places.  When nothing came of theism he surrendered the portal, open to the enemy, and sadly returned home.  Afterwards, when complaints about him were brought before the emperor, he purged himself of any guilt by swearing an oath.  Nine days after the aforementioned slaughter, on 13 July, my mother, Cunegunde, died at burg Germersleben.”

Chapter 45

“When he arrived at Zeitz, the emperor was received in a manner appropriate to an emperor by Hugh II, third pastor of that see [circa 10 February].  Then he went by a direct route to Meissen where he was honorably received by Eid, the venerable bishop of this church, and by Margrave Ekkehard whom he regarded highly.  Then, having traversed the territories of the Milzeni, he was met as he arrived at the district of Diadesi by Boleslav whose name is interpreted as ‘greater praise’ not by merit but by old custom.  With great rejoicing, Boleslav offered the emperor hospitality at a place called Eulau.  It would be impossible to believe or describe how the emperor was then received by him and conducted to Gniezno.  Seeing the desired city from afar, he humbly approached barefoot.  After being received with veneration by Bishop Unger, he was led into the church where, weeping profusely, he was moved to ask the grace of Christ for himself through the intercession of Christ’s martyr.  Without delay, he established an archbishopric there, as I hope legitimately, but  without the consent of the aforementioned bishop to whose diocese the whole region is subject.  He committed the new foundation to Radim, the martyr’s brother, and made subject to him Bishop Reinbern of Kolobrzeg, Bishop Poppo of Krakow, and Bishop John of Wroclaw, but not Unger of Poznan.  And with great solemnity, he also placed holy relics in an altar which had been established there.”

Chapter 46

“After all issues nada been settled, the duke honoured Otto with rich presents and, what was even more pleasing, three hundred armored warriors.  When the emperor departed, Boleslav and an illustrious entourage conducted him to Magdeburg where they celebrated Palm Sunday with great festivity [24-25 March]…”

Chapter 55

“I cannot place in its correct order everything that ought to be treated within the context of this book.  In what follows, therefore, I will not be embarrassed to add a few recollections.  Indeed, I rejoice in the change of pace much as the traveller who, because of its difficult or perhaps from ignorance, leaves the course of the more direct road and sets out on some winding secondary path.  Hence, I will relate the remaining deeds of Miesco, the celebrated duke of the Poles, who has already been treated in some detail in the previous books.  He took a noble wife from the region of Bohemia, the sister of Boleslav the Elder.  Her life corresponded to her name – she was called Dobrawa in Slavic, which, in German, means ‘the good’.  For this one, faithful to Christ, and realizing that her husband was mired in various heathen errors, turned her humble spirit to the task of binding him to the faith as well.  She tried in every way to conciliate him, not because of the threefold appetite of this evil world but rather for the sake of the admirable and, to all the faithful, desirable fruit of future salvation.”

Chapter 56

“She sinned willingly for a while, that she might later be good for a long time.  For during Lent, which closely followed he marriage, though she intended to offer an acceptable tithe to God by abstaining from meat and through the affliction of he body, her husband asked and tried to coax her into giving up her plan.  She consented, thinking that he might therefore be more willing to listen to her on some other occasion.  Some say that she only ate meat during a single Lenten period, others say three.  Now, O reader, you have heard her sin, now also consider the attractive fruit of her pious will.  She labored for the sake of her husband’s conversion and was heard by the Creator in his kindness; and through his infinite goodness that most zealous persecutor came to his senses.  After being admonished frequently by his beloved wife, he vomited out the poison of his unbelief and, in holy baptism, wiped away the stain of his birth.  Immediately, members of his hitherto reluctant people followed their beloved head and lord and, after accepting the marriage garments, were numbered among the wards of Christ.  Jordan, their first bishop, labored much with them, while he diligently invited them by word and deed to the cultivation of the heavenly vineyard.  Then the couple rightly rejoiced, namely the man and the noble woman, and all who were subject to them rejoiced at their marriage in Christ.  After this, the good mother gave birth to a son who was very different from her and the misfortune of many mothers.  She named him Boleslav, after her brother.  He first revealed his innate evil to her and then raged against his own flesh and blood, as I will reveal in the following.”

Chapter 57 [977]

“But when his mother died, his father married Margrave DIetrich’s daughter, a nun at the convent called Calbe, without the approval of the church.  Oda was her name and great was her presumption.  She rejected her celestial spouse in favour of a man of war, which displeased all the pastors of the church but most of all her own bishop, the venerable Hildeward.  But the welfare of the land, and the need to strengthen the peace, kept this from leading to a break; rather it provided a healthy and continuous incentive for reconciliation.  For she increased the service of Christ in every way: many captives were returned to their homeland, prisoners were released form their chains, and the prisons of those who had been accused were opened.  O hope that God will forgive her the magnitude of her sin, since such love of pious deeds was revealed in her.  We read, however, that he who does not entirely abandon the evil he has begun, will try in vain to placate the Lord.  She bore her husband three sons: Miesco, Swentepulk and…  She passed her life there, highly honoured, until her husband’s death.  She was beloved among those with whom she lived and useful to those from whom she had come.”

Chapter 58

“But on May 25, in the year of the Incarnation 992, the tenth year of Otto III’s kingship, the aforementioned duke, now old and feverish, went from this place of exile to his homeland, leaving his kingdom to be divided by many claimants.  Yet, with fox-like cunning, his son Boleslav unified it once more in the hands of one ruler, after he had expelled his stepmother and brothers, and had their familiars Odilien and Przibiwoj blinded.  That he might be able to rule alone, he ignored both human and divine law.  He married the daughter of Margrave Rikdag, but later sent her away and took a Hungarian woman as his wife.  She bore him a son, named Bezprym, but he also sent her away.  His third wife was Emnilde, a daughter of the venerable lord, Dobromir.*  Faithful to Christ, she formed her husband’s unstable character completely for the better and strove unceasingly to wash away both of her sins through the generous dispersal of alms and abstinence.  She bore two sons, Miesco and another one whom the father named after his beloved lord.  She also produced three daughters of whom one was an abbess, the second married Count Herman, and the third the son of King Vladimir.  I will say more about them later.”

* Dobromir was probably a Milseni duke of the Lausitz (guess).

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January 22, 2017

Ansgar’s and Rimbert’s Slavs

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Ansgar (801 – 865) was the archbishop of the Hamburg-Bremen and also the Apostle of the North and Patron of Scandinavia.  He preached all over but primarily at the trading town of Birka (circa 830) and was not very effective that he earned his own “Vita.”  That Life of Ansgar (Vita Ansgarii or Vita Anskarii) was written in the ninth century by his student and successor Rimbert and talks mostly about Scandinavians.  Nevertheless, Slavs do feature in it and we present chapters mentioning them here in the Robinson translation with some revisions by Dutton (notes are Robinson’s).

One interesting aspect here it the mention of “Welanao.”  Welanao (or Welnao) which, it is suggested below by Robinson, is now Münsterdorf on the part of the River Laba (Elbe) that is called the Stör (Sturia) in Schleswig-Holstein also hints at a Slavic “Weletabi” origin.  The Sturia is the same Northalbingian river after which the Sturmarians or Sturmarii (always accompanied by the Holzati) are named, as here in the Slavic Chronicle:

Tres autem sunt Nordalbingorum populi, Sturmarii, Holzati, Thetmarzi, nec habitu nec lingua multum discrepantes, tenentes Saxonum iura et cristianum nomen, nisi quod propter barbarorum viciniam furtis et latrociniis operam dare consueverint 

We read about them too in Adam of Bremen’s work.  They do not appear to have been Slavs by this time (see map below which, of course, is someone’s approximation).  On the other hand, Welanao may also have been called the Welna:

Another interesting aspect of this is that the Codex Monasteriensis (Codex archive publici Monasteriensis) is a 12th century manuscript that has a listing of peoples featuring the names “Siridevindum, Slavorum” (Chapter 13) and “Scridevindun, Slavorum” [or Scridiwindun or Scridewindin] (Chapter 23) suggesting that the Scritefinni were Wends but separate from Slavs.  The Scritefinni are a mysterious people that have naturally been identified with Finns although they also (mysteriously) kept appearing in texts describing Central Europe presenting a bit of a puzzle that no one ever successfully addressed.  The suggestion that they may have been Wends is fascinating.  In effect, they would have been Scrite Veneti (The “Hidden” Veneti?).   It is also possible that Siride-vindum refers to the Sorbs.  Although these mentions appear to be later interpolations, the fact that even later scriveners made such connections is of interest.

With those thoughts in mind here are the Slavs of Ansgar (or, really, of Rimbert).

Chapter 13

“In order that these arrangements should be permanently established the emperor sent Ansgar to the apostolic see, and by his messengers the venerable bishops Bernold [Bishop of Strassburg] and Ratold [Bishop of Verona, ob. 874.] and the illustrious count Gerold, he caused the whole matter to be made known to Pope Gregory [I.e. Gregory IV, 827-844] so that it might receive his confirmation. The Pope confirmed this, not only by an authoritative decree, but also by the gift of the pallium, in accordance with the custom of his predecessors, and he appointed him as his legate for the time being amongst all the neighbouring races of the Swedes and Danes,* also the Slavs and the other races that inhabited the regions of the north, so that he might share authority with Ebbo the Archbishop of Rheims, to whom he had before entrusted the same office.** At the tomb of the holy apostle Peter*** he publicly committed to him authority to evangelize these races. And, for fear lest anything that he had done should prove ineffectual in time to come, he smote with his curse any who should resist, or contradict, or in any way attempt to interfere with the holy intentions of the emperor and committed such an one to everlasting vengeance and the companionship of devils.****”

“As we have already said, the same office of legate had before been entrusted by Pope Paschal [Paschal I 817-824] to Ebbo, the Archbishop of Rheims. Ebbo himself, inspired by the Spirit of God, burned with eager desire to draw to the Christian fold the non­Christian races and specially the Danes whom lie had often seen at the palace and who, as he grieved to see, had been led astray by the wiles of the devil. In order to promote their salvation he longed to sacrifice himself and all that be possessed. The emperor had given him a place situated beyond the river Elbe, which was called Welanao,***** so that whenever he went into those parts he might have a place in which to stay. Accordingly he frequently went to this place and distributed much money in the northern districts in order that he might win the souls of the people; and he attached many to the Christian religion and strengthened them in the catholic faith.”


* The Codex Monasteriensis reads, Farriae, Gronlondon, Islondon, Siridevindum, Slavorum necnon onmium septerntrionalium et orientalium nationom quocumque modo nominatarum delegavit. Et posi to capite et pectore super corpus et confessionem sancti Petri apostoli, sibi suisque successoribus vicem suam perpetuo retinendam publicamque euvangelizandi tribuit auctoritatem. The names mentioned must have been interpolated at a later time as Gronlondon, i.e., Greenland, was unknown in the time of Ansgar.

** Ebbo was appointed as Archbishop of Rheims by Ludovic in 816, and about the year 820 he went on a missionary visit to Denmark. In 821 he was sent by Ludovic to Rome and received from Paschal I. a special commission to preach in the northern territories. In 822 he returned to Denmark accompanied by Bishop Wilderic of Bremen, and was the means of converting a number of Danes. In 825 he brought about a good understanding between Horic and Harald, and thereby prepared the way for the conversion of the country. In 833 he espoused the cause of Lothair, and was ordered by the Emperor to retire to the monastery of Fulda. Later on, at the request of Ansgar, he received the bishopric of Hildesheim. He died in 851.

*** Ante corpus et confessionem sancti Petri. There is still an underground chapel in the Vatican entitled The Chapel of the Confession of St. Peter, under the altar of which are what are reputed to be the bones of the Apostle. In this chapel, Boniface had stood more than a century before, 723. cf., Baronii Annales, ix. an. 723.

**** For use of this form of cursing, see Chapter xxiii. ad. fin.

***** Now called Münsterdorf, On the bank of the River Sturia. This took its name from the monastery Novum monasterium (Neu­münster), founded by Vicelinus.

Chapter 15

“Meanwhile our lord and master diligently executed his office in the diocese that had been committed to him, and in the country of the Danes, and by the example of his good life he incited many to embrace the faith.* He began also to buy Danish and Slav boys and to redeem some from captivity so that he might train them for God’s service. Of these he kept some with him, whilst others he sent to be trained at the monastery of Turholt. There were also with him here belonging to your order some of our fathers and teachers, as a result of whose teaching and instructions the divine religion has increased amongst us.”


* Adam of Bremen says that at this time a multitude of Danes and Northmen were converted as the result of Ansgar’s work: see Hist. I. 18, Beatis Anscharius nunc Danos nunc Transalbianos visitans, innumerabilem utriusque gentis multitudinem traxit ad fidem. Si quando vere persecutione barbarorum impeditus est ab studio praedicandi apud Turholt cum discipulis suis se retinuit.

Chapter 19

“‘…We must seek to ascertain therefore whether it is by the will of the gods that we are urged to make this attempt.’ As his words were in accord with their custom* they could not refuse to adopt the suggestion. Accordingly they sought to discover the will of the gods by casting lots and they ascertained that it would be impossible to accomplish their purpose without endangering their own welfare and that God would not permit this place to be ravaged by them. They asked further where they should go in order to obtain money for themselves so that they might not have to return home without having gained that for which they had hoped. They ascertained by the casting of the lot that they ought to go to a certain town** which was situated at a distance on the borders of the lands belonging to the Slavonians. The Danes then, believing that this order had come to them from heaven, retired from this place and hastened to go by a direct route to that town. Having made a sudden attack upon its people, who were living in quiet and peace, they seized it by force of arms and, having captured much spoil and treasure, they returned home. Moreover the king who had come with the object of plundering the Swedes, made peace with them and restored the money that he had recently received from them He remained also for some time with them as he wished to become reconciled to their nation. Thus did the good Lord, on account of the faith of his servant Herigar, free the people of this place from the attack of their enemies and restore to them their possessions. After these occurrences Herigar brought forward a proposal in a public assembly and advised that they should try more earnestly to ascertain who was God. ‘Alas, wretched people,’ he said, ‘ye now understand that it is useless to seek for help from demons who cannot succour those who are in trouble. Accept the faith of my Lord Jesus Christ, whom ye have proved to be the true God and who in His compassion has brought solace to you who have no refuge from sorrow. Seek not any more after superstitious worship, or to appease your idols by useless sacrifice. Worship the true God who rules all things in heaven and earth, submit yourselves to Him, and adore His almighty power.’  His own faith having been strengthened by the abounding goodness of the Lord, he was the more ready to come forward both publicly and otherwise, and at one time by reproach, at another time by persuasion, he declared unto them the power of the Lord and the benefits resulting from faith in Him. And thus he continued the good fight even to the end of his life.”

“When at length his good deeds were complete and his weakness had increased, having been commended to the mercy of God in the presence of the priest Ardgar, and having received the Holy Communion, he departed this life happily in Christ.*** Much more might be said concerning the constancy of his faith, but this must suffice, inasmuch as we desire our narrative to be brief.”


* For reference to the custom of casting lots in order to ascertain the will of the gods, see Tacitus Germania Chapter X., see also Vita Willehadi, chap. iii.  In casting lots the Danes were accustomed to cut a branch from a fruit­bearing tree from which they broke off a number of small sticks. Having cut certain marks on these, they placed them on a spread­out cloth. The priest, or chief then picked up three of these sticks and, in accordance with the marks that he found on them, answered “yes” or ” no” to the question addressed to him.

** Dreves (p. 70 n.), suggests that this may have been Bineta [Vineta] in the island of Wollin. This town was destroyed by Northmen in the ninth century. Kruse suggests that the town was in the district of Novgorod. Geschichte des Ethnischen Volksstamms, p. 457

*** Herigar’s death apparently occurred towards the end of the year 851.

Chapter 23

“…From the contents of his written statement we find that matters are even as the pious king made known to us by his trusty messenger Bishop Salomon. We therefore, following in the steps of our predecessor, the great Bishop Gregory, and recognising that the arrangements made by his foresight were deserving of divine approval, have decided to sanction the wish expressed by the great chiefs, viz., the Emperor Ludovic, of sacred memory, and his most excellent son, who bore the same name, by a writing bearing apostolic authority and by the presentation of the pallium in accordance with the custom of our predecessors. In order that Ansgar may he authoritatively established as the first archbishop of the Northalbingians, and that his successors, who strive for the salvation of the nations, may be strong to resist the attack of the evil one, we appoint our son Ansgar as our legate* amongst all the surrounding races of Swedes, Danes** and Slavs, and amongst all others living in those parts, whichever the grace of God may open a way, and we grant him authority to preach the gospel openly…”


* Codex Monasteriensis adds “et successoress ejus legatos.

** Codex Monasteriensis reads, Sueonum, Danorurn, Farriae, Norweorurn, Gronlondon, Islondon, Scridevindun, Slavorum necnon septentrionalium et orientalium naponurn quocumque modo nominatarum delegamus et sibi suisque successoribus vicem nostram perpetuo retinendam publicamque evangelizandi tribuimus auctoritatem.

Chapter 26

“When he awoke from this dream which he had three years before he was invited to rule over the Church at Bremen, he was assured by what had been said that it was his duty to go somewhere in the Lord’s name, but whither he knew not. When later on he came by order of the king to this church and learnt that it was consecrated in honour of St. Peter and found some there who would not willingly receive him, he remembered his vision, and because of it he agreed to undertake the charge of this diocese for, as he solemnly declared, he would not otherwise have been willing to do this. At the time when he had the above­mentioned monastery at Turholt, and the calling of the heathen was his care, in order that he might be able to help them he caused some boys whom he had bought from the Northmen or Slavs to be brought up in the same monastery so that they might be trained for the holy warfare. When this monastery was given to Raginar he took some of these boys and sent them out as his servants, and on this account the bishop was specially distressed. In a vision which he had soon afterwards, he appeared to have come to a certain house and to have found there King Charles and Raginar. It seemed to him that he reproached them in regard to these boys and said that be had arranged to train them for the service of Almighty God and not to act as servants to Raginar. When he said this, it seemed to him that Raginar lifted his foot and kicked his mouth, and when this happened he thought that the Lord Jesus Christ stood by him and said to the king and to Raginar, “To whom does this man whom ye treat so shamefully belong? Know that he has a Master and because of this you will not go unpunished.” When he said this they were terrified and affrighted, whereupon the bishop awoke. The divine vengeance which overtook Raginar showed how true was the revelation. For a little later he incurred the displeasure of the king and lost the monastery and everything that he had received from the king, nor did he ever regain his former favour.”


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January 14, 2017

Life of Saint Emmeram of Regensburg

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Saint Emmeram died a martyr’s death about 652 (but maybe as late as 715) (at Ascheim).  His gallant heroics concerning the fair maiden (or not so much) Uta earned him a Vita written about him – the Vita et passio Sancti Haimhrammi Martyri which was probably written by Bishop Arbeo of Freising circa 770.

The Vita mentions the mission of Saint Emmeram to the lands of the Thuringians and the Porathanorum, a people “ignorant of God”:

Quidam vero qui ehm exinde redimerat genti Duringorum partibus aquilonis tradidit in confinio Parahtanorum gentis, quae ignorant Deum.  Cumque se praedictus senex gentilium idolorumque cultoribus proximum cerneret, coepit viribus, ut potuit, domino suo temporali tam praesenti quam absenti dignum omnino praebere famulatum.” [version B below]

It seems that the Po-rathanorum were the same as the Ratanz-winidi of whom we spoke earlier.  The Po- is the Slavic prefix indicating “by” as in Po-meranians or Po-labians.  The Po-rathanorum were the Slavs who lived by the Ratanz River (today’s Regnitz).

It is possible that Arbeo was projecting his own time onto that of over a century earlier of course but the fact that he also mentions the Thuringians who were largely pagan too then suggests otherwise.

 We will have more to say about the Slavs of the Bamberg area but for now we will leave you with this thought: Bamberg seems to have been named for the nearby Babenburg.  Babenburg seems to have been settled as early as 600 A.D.  And why is it called Babenburg?  Google archaeological finds in the area – you might come across sculptures such as these Three Fellas (discovered in 1858 – anyone tell you that?):

Did we mention that Saint Emmeram died at Ascheim?

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December 29, 2016

The Slavs of Regino of Prüm (& Adalbert of Magdeburg)

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Here we present entries related to Slavs (or of interest to Slavs, see 889 regarding the name “Germany” – similar word play again to germs/spores) from the less known Chronicle of Regino of Prüm (circa 840 – 915) and from the Continuation of the same Chronicle by Adalbert of Magdeburg (910 – 981).  The translation and annotations are by Simon MacLean.


Book I


…King Dagobert fought with the Slavs and overcame them.  At that time a dux named Samo ruled over them.  He also restrained the rebellious Gascons with the sword.  The Huns and Bulgars joined in battle among themselves.  The Huns defeated the Bulgars.  Utterly defeated and driven from Pannonia, nine thousand with their wives and children appealed to King Dagobert for land they needed to live on.  The king ordered that they be received in scattered houses in Bavaria for the winter, and one nigh he ordered them all to be killed together with their wives and children…

Book II


In the year of the Lord’s incarnation 860, Eigil voluntarily renounced the abbacy of Prüm, and Ansbald, a man notable in all sanctity and goodness, succeeded him in command.  In these times the elder Louis [the German], brother of Emperor Lothar [I], very strenuously prosecuted many wars against the Slavic peoples.  Accordingly, he invaded the lands of the Moravians and completely tamed everything by force of arms, capturing their leader Rastiz and ordering his eyes to be gouged out for violating treaties…


…After this, the three aforementioned brothers met in the place called Schwaifeld, and there they divided the paternal kingdom.  Karlmann received Bavaria, Pannonia and Carnuntum [Carinthia], which in bad style is called Carantanum, and also the realms of the Slavs, Bohemians and Moravians.  Louis got east Francia, Thuringia, Saxony, Frisoia and part of Lothar’s kingdom.  To Charles’s portion fell Alemnania and some cities in the kingdom of Lothar.


In the year of the Lord’ incarnation 880, King Karlmann ended his last day on 22 March after a decline into paralysis.  He was buried with due honour in Bavaria, in the place called Altoetting. That most excellent king was learned in letters, dedicated to the Christian religion, just. peace-loving, and in all of  his habits adorned with probity.  The beauty of his body was extraordinary, and his strength too was remarkable; no less so was his greatness of his spirit.  In fact he fought very many battles together with his father, and still more without him, in the lands of the Slavs and always brought back the triumph of victory.  He added to and extended thus the borders of his kingdom with the sword.  He appeared mild to his own people., terrible to his enemies.  He was affable in speech, decorated with humility, and unusually gifted in ordering the affairs of the realm.  In short, nothing which was appropriate to royal majesty seemed to lack in him…

…When Louis [the Younger] heard that his brother had died, he went to Bavaria and came to Regensburg, where all the leading men of the kingdom flocked to him and put themselves under his command.  The king conceded Carinthia to Arnulf because his father had already conceded it to him.; there lies the very well defended stronghold of Moosburg, so called because of the impenetrable bog which surrounds it and offers very difficult entry to those who approach it.


…This is why such great numbers of peoples spring up under the northern skies, so that it is quite correct to call that entire region from the Don to the west by the general name of Germany, though individual places in it also have their own names.  Because Germany is so populous, innumerable groups of captives are often taken from there and sold to southern peoples for money.  Peoples have frequently led this region because it produces so many human beings that there re barely enough resources to feed them.  These groups have afflicted Asia, but mainly they have troubled adjacent parts of Europe.  Ruined cities throughout Illyricum and Gail testify to this, but a hove all unhappy Italy has experienced the savagery of almost all of these peoples.

The Hungarians were thus driven from their home in these lands by a neighboring people called the Petchenegs, because they were superior to them in strength and number and because, as we said before, their own country was not sufficient to accommodate their swelling numbers.

After they had been forced to flee by the violence of the Petchenegs, they said goodbye to their homeland and set out to look for lands where they could live and establish settlements.  First they roamed the wildernesses of the Pannonians and the Avars, and sought their daily food by hunting and fishing.  Then they attacked the lands of the Carinthians, Moravians and Bulgars with the infestation of constant raids, killing a very few with the sword and many thousands with arrows, which they fire from their bows made of horn with such skill that it is almost impossible to avoid being hit by them…


In the year of the Lord’s incarnation 890, King Arnulf gave the command [ducats] of the Bohemians to King Zwentibald of the Moravian Slavs.  Hitherto, the Bohemians had rulers from among their own kind and people, and had kept the fidelity they promised to the kings of the Franks by inviolable agreement.  Arnulf did this because, before he had been raised to the throne of the kingdom, he had been joined to Zwentibald in close friendship.  In fact, he raised from the holy font Arnulf’s son, who was born to him by a concubine, and named him Zwentibald after him.  This matter [the granting of Bohemia to Zwentibald of Moravia] provided a considerable stimulus for discord and defections.  For the Bohemians, on the one hand, withdrew the fealty that they had long kept, and Zwentibald, on the other, believing himself to have gained considerable strength through that acquisition of another realm and puffed up with the arrogance of price, rebelled against Arnulf.  When Arnulf learned about this reinvaded the Moravian realm and razed everything outside the cities to the ground.  Finally, because even the fruit trees were being uprooted, Zwentibald asked for peace and, having given his son as a hostage, belatedly gained it…


…While this [invasion by the Northmen] was going on, King Arnulf was staying in the furthermost parts of Bavaria, restraining the insolence of the Slavs…


…At that same time Arn, the venerable bishop of Wuerzburg, set out to fight the Slavs at the urging and encouragement of Poppo dux of the Thuringians, and was killed in battle [July 13].  Count Conrad’s brother Rudolf gained his seat and succeeded him as bishop.  Arnulf granted some of Count Megingoz’s offices to his son Zwentibald…”


…Also around this time Zwentibald king of the Moravian Slavs, a man most prudent among his people and very cunning by nature, ended his final day.  His sons held his kingdom for a short and unhappy time, because the Hungarians utterly destroyed everything in it.*

* Moimir and Zwentopulk.  By 906 the Hungarians encouraged by the Franks, had effectively destroyed Moravian power.

Adalbert’s Continuation 


The Bavarians fought the Hungarians, and many were cut down with a great slaughter.  In this battle dux Liutpold [of Bavaria] was killed.  His son Arnulf succeeded him in the command [ducatus]*

* The Battle of Bratislava was a major defeat for the Franks.


…Meanwhile King Henry strongly persisted in stabilizing peace and restraining the savagery of the Slavs.


King Henry attacked the Bohemians with hostile intent and with God’s aid he courageously conquered them.  At that time a son named William was born to the same king’s son Otto…


King Henry made the king of the Abodrites and the king of the Danes into Christians…


King Henry cut the Hungarians down with a great slaughter, and took even more prisoner.  In that same year he attacked the Slavs called Vucrani with hostile intent; he defeated them and made them his tributaries…


…In the same year Boleslaw, ruler of the Bohemians, rebelled against the king, who went against him with a very strong force and enforced his lordship completely…


The Hungarians came forth with such a great multitude that they said they could not be defeated by anyone unless the earth swallow them up or the sky fell and crushed the them.  With God’s support they were defatted at the River Lech by the army of the kings with so great a slaughter that never before among our people was such a victory heard of or accomplished.  Conrad, the former dux, was killed there.  When he had returned from there there king sent his army against the Slavs, where he won a similar victory and struck them down with a great massacre.*  Wichmann was expelled.  The king’s brother Henry, after recovering from his desperate situation and receiving the dukedom of Bavaria, died.  The pious king gave the ducats and the march to Henry’s son Henry.  The king’s son Otto [future Otto II] was born.

* The Battle of Recknitz (October 16), at which Otto defatted the Abodrites and their allies.


The king attacked the Slavs [Redarii] again…


…In that same year, by the doing of Archbishop Brun’s faction, Count Reginar was captured and sent into exile among the Slavs…


The king invaded the Slavs again, and Thietmar was killed there.*

*Presumably Otto’s battle against Slavs led by Wichmann the Younger during the previous year.


…Their sons Adalbert and Guy wandered aimlessly here and there, but they along with their followers still possessed certain fortifications, namely the strongholds at Garda* and Val Travaglia, and an island on Lake Como…

* notice the Slavic (?) Garda near Lake Como.  For Jesen in the area see here.


…Back home the Slavs called Lausitzer were also subdued.


…In the meantime Bishop Guy of Modena approached the emperor in Saxony on a mission for Adalbert, pretending with fox-like cunning to be loyal to the emperor and boasting that he would betray those who were unfaithful.  But he did not share in the emperor’s presence or conversation.  Instead, after he had been allowed to return home in shame, he was arrested int he Alps on the other side of Chur and, after being sent back to Saxony, wass placed in custody among the Slavs.

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November 25, 2016