Monthly Archives: May 2015

On Martin of Braga’s List of Barbarians

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One of the earliest mentions of Slavs is by archbishop Martin of Braga (Martinus Bracarensis) in a poem which he wrote sometime in the 570s (before he became a Saint).  He dedicated it to that other Saint Martin, Saint Martin of Tours – Versus Martini Dumiensis Episcopi in Basilica (according to that other guy from Tours – Gregory – who also placed this work in the basilica of Braga (History of the Franks, 5, 38)).  Our Martin was a Pannonian who lived sometime between 520s-580s, traveled West and ended up as bishop of Dumio and then as archbishop of Braga (Roman Bracara Augusta in Gallaecia).  [Our] Martin participated in the conversion of the Suevi from the errors of Arianism onto the clear path of Catholicism.  This brought him joy and he composed a poem listing all those who had already been converted and expressing happiness that they will now be joined by the Suevi.  Here is the text from the 8th century Codex Parisinus Latinus :


 Versus Martini Dumiensis episcopi in basilica

(aka In Basilica)

Post evangelicum bisseni dogma senatus,
Quod regnum Christi toto iam personat orbe,
Postque sacrum Pauli stilum, quo curia mundi
Victa suos tandem stupuit siluisse sophistas,
Arctous, Martine, tibi in extrema recessus
Panditur inque via fidei patet invia tellus.
Virtutum signis meritorum et laude tuorum
Excitat affectum Christi Germania frigens,
Flagrat, et accenso Divini Spiritus igne
Solvit ab infenso obstrictas Aquilone pruinas.
Immanes variasque pio sub foedere Christi
Adsciscis gentes. Alamannus, Saxo, Toringus,
Pannonius, Rugus, Sclavus, Nara, Sarmata, Datus,
Ostrogothus, Francus, Burgundio, Dacus, Alanus,
Te duce, nosse Deum gaudent. Tua signa Suevus 
Admirans didicit fidei quo tramite pergat,
Devotusque tuis meritis haec atria claro
Culmine sustollens, Christi venerabile templum
Constituit, quo clara vigens, Martine, tuorum
Gratia signorum votis te adesse fatetur
Electum, propriumque tenet te Gallia gaudens
Pastorem, teneat Gallicia tota patronum.


Roughly: “you attract various and fierce peoples under the sacred covenant of Christ: the Alaman, the Saxon, the Thuringian, the Pannonian, the Rugian, the Sclav, the Nara, the Sarmatian, the Datian, the Ostrogoth, the Frank, the Burgundian, the Dacian and the Alan rejoice to know God under your guidance.  Your standards are admired by the Suev who learned the faith, continues on the path…”   This list is similar to that of Sidonis Apollinaris (with Nara being Neurus and Datian being a double of Dacian).

So, with those Slavs (looks like a Byzantine spelling) as Sueves, let’s just say, not everything is entirely clear.

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May 2, 2015