On Germania and the Balts

On the Largest Part of Germania

  • “I must now proceed to speak of the Suevians, who are not, like the Cattans and Tencterians, comprehended in a single people; but divided into several nations all bearing distinct names, though in general they are entitled Suevians, and occupy the larger share of Germany” (Nunc de Suevis dicendum est, quorum non una, ut Chattorum Tencterorumve, gens; maiorem enim Germaniae partem obtinent, propriis adhuc nationibus nominibusque discreti, quamquam in commune Suevi vocentur)
    • Tacitus Germania (circa A.D. 98)
  • “On its east is Alania, in its centre Dacia, where Gothia is also found, then comes Germany, the greater part of which is held by the Suevi.” (ab oriente Alania est, in medio Dacia, ubi et Gothia, deinde Germania est, ubi plurimam partem Suevi tenent.)
    • Paulus Orosius, Against the Pagans (circa A.D. 416-417)
  • Slavia is a very large province of Germany inhabited by the Winuli who at one time were called Vandals.  It is said to be ten times larger than our Saxony, especially if you count as part of Slavia Bohemia and the expanses across the Oder, the Poles, because they differ neither in appearance nor in language.” (Sclavania igitur, amplissima Germaniae provintia, a Winulis incolitur, qui olim dicti sunt Wandali.  Decies maior esse fertur, quam nostra Saxonia, praesertim si Boemiam et eos qui trans Oddaram sunt Polanos, quia nec habitu, nec lingua discrepant, partem adieceris Sclavaniae)
    • Adam of Bremen, Deeds of the Bishops of Hamburg (circa A.D. 1073 – 1076)

On the Aestii [aka “Balts”]

  • “Turning, therefore, to the right hand shore of the Suebian sea, we find it washing the country of the Aestii, who have the same customs and fashions as the Suevi, but a language more like the British.” (Ergo iam dextro Suevici maris litore Aestiorum gentes adluuntur, quibus ritus habitusque Suevorum, lingua Britannicae proper)
    • Tacitus Germania (circa A.D. 98)

Minna Sundberg’s picture in the Guardian newspaper

  • The Sclavi, the Aestii and other peoples live along the southern shore.”  (At litus australe Sclavi et Aisti et aliae diversae incolunt nationes)
    • Einhard Vita Caroli Magni (circa  A.D. 817 – 836)
  • “The Osti have, to the north of them, the same arm of the sea, and also the Wends [Sclavi]” (Osti habbað be norþan him þone ilcan sæs earm, and Winedas)
    • King Alfred’s “Orosius” (circa A.D. 890s )

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December 6, 2015

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