Arcuna on Lacus Veneticus

Gustav Reinwald’s Beschreibung des Argengaues, as the name indicates describes the Argen-gau, that is the Argen “shire”.  This description appears in volume 6 of the fascinating Schriften des Vereins für Geschichte des Bodensees und seiner Umgebung.  The Bodensee is, of course, Lake Constance or Lacus Veneticus. The article contains a number of interesting names that smack of a Slavic origin.  Many of these come from the Urkundenbuch Der Abtei Sanct Gallen, Volumes 1-2.

What may have happened here is that place names with the Slavic -in suffix were Germanized by throwing in a “bach” or a “berg” or a “hoven” or an “ang”.  For that reason, I separate these.  Of course not all of these could be Slavic and others may be Slavic that are not even mentioned here – still the list is intriguing.

Arcuna, Argona, Arguna – this refers to the mouth of the eponymous river Argen from which the Argengau derives its appellation. Interestingly, this place name also appears earlier as Argow with the Slavic -ow ending. The connection with Kap Arkona is obvious. The ark here must refer to a landing place for a ship (that is, an “ark”) as, for example, in “anchorage” (although anchor is not related etymologically). The ship or “ark” could as well have been Jason’s Argo. Incidentally, that name, most likely, stems from the bowed shape of most vessels – its arch.

Tetin-anc (Tettnang) aka (?) Tentin-wilare

Ischacha (Aeschach)

Libilun-aha villa or Liubil-aha or Liubiliun-iiang or Liubilin-wang

quas ad Lintovam tradidit



Oborostin-dorophe (Oberostendorf?)

Pipparoci aka Piparoti (?)

Patahin-wilarePatechin-wilare (Bettenweiler?)






Pacen-hoven (Betznau?)

On the way to Pacenhoven

Rikinbach, Rihchin-bach



Here are some other curious names around Lacus Veneticus (previously mentioned already here).

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February 11, 2018

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