It is interesting to observe that every time you have a good idea, there well may be someone else who had it first.
I wrote about the fact that the River Odra (Oder) may have actually been previously referred to as the Vistula here and here and here among other places. Interestingly, the same idea was already brought up by the Polish historian Leszek Moczulski some years back. In his writing, the river had been mislabeled Vistula by someone who previously may have heard of the Vistula and then, having crossed into Poland, noticed a river and thought that must be it. Mistakes happen in exploration as the “Native Americans” aka “Indians” can attest to.
I previously (here and here) also suggested that “Slavi” simply means “Z Łaby” that is “from the Elbe”. While this is a bit more farfetched it is intriguing and I was surprised to find out that this same idea had already circulated about in, I believe, the 18th century. I was not able to relocate it but if you recall where that is feel free to leave a post on the topic.
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