While we are on the topic of Arab writers: Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī al-Majūsiyy al-Quṭrubbaliyy (aka al-Khwārizmī)‘s Kitāb Ṣūrat al-Arḍ (A Book of the Portrait of the Earth*) contains additional mentions of the Slavs. Al-Khwārizmī was born probably in or around Baghdad or in Khorasan (in which case he was a Persian) circa 780/790 and worked in the first half of the ninth century (the book in question was probably written before 842). He was a scientist as well as a geographer and a historian but, back then, you could dabble in all disciplines. The words algorithm and algebra probably come from mispronunciations of his name. Obviously someone this important must have written something about the Slavs.
* note: different from Ibn-Hawqal’s; also notice the similarity between the Indo-European Germanic *ertho (Erde) and al-Arḍ – strange, no?
His book also translates as “Geography” and, indeed, it is a reworking/updating of Ptolemy’s work. The book is a description of maps, most of which did not seem to have survived. The single existing manuscript was subject to study and printed in 1926 by the Austrian scholar Hans von Mžik (in Bibliothek arabischer historiker und geographen). The following is from page 105:
“The country [G]ermania. This is the same as the land of the Slavs. Its center lies at longitude 36 40 and latitude 52 0….”
“The country Sarmatia. This is the same as the country Burgan [Bulgaria,* less likely Burgundia]. Its center lies at longitude 45 0 and latitude 52 0….”
* already al-Fazari circa 775 mentions the Danube Bulgarians between the Khazar/Alans and Byzantium.
“The country Sarmatia. This is the same as the country al-Lan [Alan]. Its center lies at longitude 73 0 and latitude 59 30….”
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